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"Alright bitches so here's the plan" Yerin parked the car about half a mile away and turned around to face the others.

Sowon was sitting up front with her because Yerin knew that if she put Sowon and Eunha by each other then they'd feel the temptation to touch each other. Yerin was really trying to keep their relationship a secret until Sowon got the chance to talk to her. Her second priority besides the mission was making sure that Eunha and Sowon don't slip up in front of everyone.

"Ok so first of all Umji will be with us since we don't need a hacker, but we do need our backup defense which Umji is replacing from here on out until we find someone new. Eunha you'll be with Sowon as usual" Yerin glanced over at them for a second with a slight glare. "And as for you Eunbi, you'll still be with me and Umji" Yerin looked over at Eunbi and smiled for some reason.

"Grab your weapons. This dude definitely has a gang if he's living in such a big place with that many cars" Yerin looked through the binoculars and checked to see if anyone was guarding the outside of the large building.

"Sowon I-" Eunha began to speak up but was interrupted.

"I've got business to take care of. You can talk to me later" Sowon ignored Eunha and walked away after grabbing the black bag out of the trunk along with a different sniper.

"Is something wrong between you two?" Yerin asked. Maybe Sowon did have a conversation with Eunha but didn't tell Yerin about it.

"No I don't think so, why? We're perfectly fine, trust me" Eunha reassuringly smiled at her. She was so sick of faking her cute little smile.

"Oh trust me, I know you guys are perfect" Yerin absentmindedly responded while she handed Eunha a bag of supplies.

"What does that mean? Why have you been acting so weird lately?" Eunha furrowed her eyebrows. She couldn't help but be suspicious of her although Eunha was the one keeping secrets.

"Eunha I know...I know about you and Sowon. Listen to me for a second" Yerin looked around to make sure Umji and Eunbi weren't eavesdropping. "I completely understand that you regret leaving Sowon and I know you want her back but you're the one that left her in the first place. And now that you're married and have a child this is way more complicated then just a break up so you need to figure out what you're gonna do before things escalate too quickly. This is a warning Eunha, I will have to do something about it if you don't. I won't stand for these whorish and disrespectful acts. I need to do what's right for both you and Eunwoo. Also, you can consider this the finale warning because if nothing has been done by tomorrow then I will tell Eunwoo" Yerin slammed the door shut and looked at Eunha one last time with a dead serious expression. Yerin felt bad for getting involved but she knew that if she didn't then things would only get worse.

Eunha was bewildered and stood there in the dark for a moment to process what just happened. She was angry with Sowon because she thought that maybe Sowon was the one that told Yerin about them. But she knew Sowon would never do something like that, at least she hoped not.

"Alright everyone turn your mics on and get ready" Yerin put a thumbs up to signal everyone to turn the small microphones on. They each pressed the small button and made sure they could hear each other loud and clear.

"Sowon do you know the physical features of the man we're after?" Yerin asked. She hoped Sowon would be honest with her or else she would've accidentally shot the wrong person.

"No you never told me" Sowon responded. She was a bit confused.

"Exactly, I never told you. It was a test to make sure you'd be honest with me. Moving on from that. He has black skin and long curly hair, about my height with a red flannel jacket. Is that clear enough? Do you see someone who matches that description?" Yerin explained as she looked at an image of him on her phone.

"Why would you not trust me? And why is there a black person in Korea?" Sowon wasn't racist, but sometimes she asked inappropriate questions.

"Sojung! Don't be racist!" Eunbi rolled her eyes. "Anyone can live here. Skin doesn't matter these days, at least not in America"

"This isn't America though, it's South Korea" Sowon didn't understand the problem with what she said.

"Doesn't matter. Sowon you know exactly why I can't trust you" Yerin began to respond again.

"Whatever" Sowon scoffed.

"Alright we're heading in now. Keep watch Sowon" Yerin gave an encouraging smile to Umji and Eunbi as they got closer.

"Don't get yourself killed" Eunha remarked with a bit of sarcasm.

"Don't get yourself in an affair" Yerin fired back unintentionally.

"Holdup Eunha is having an affair? With who?" Umji stopped the group right in front of the metal doors.

"What's an affair?" Eunbi asked but she was ignored.

"No it was just a joke" Yerin laughed it off. This whole time she was worried about Eunha and Sowon slipping up only for her to be the one that almost accidentally announces their secret to everyone.

"Hide" Yerin grabbed Eunbi's arm and pulled her around the edge while Umji went behind the wall across from them.

The front door flew open and a group of muscular men came out. They couldn't see the three girls hiding around the corner so they continued their conversation.

"Eyes on target?" Yerin whispered as quiet as she possibly could with Sowon still being able to hear her.

"Uh...sure" Sowon responded but the response was not meant towards Yerin.

"What do you mean sure? It's either a yes or no"

"Hm? Oh I was talking to Eunha. Yes I have the target in perfect sight" Sowon closed one eye and brought her opened eye closer to the scope and focused on the man.

"Do you hear someone talking?" One of the men suddenly asked. All of them froze, including Eunha who wasn't even near them.

"Sh. Listen" one of the guys signaled them to keep their mouths shut for a moment.

"Hey why did they all freeze?" Sowon asked but Yerin was unable to respond. They couldn't make a single noise or else they would've been toast.

"The lenses are giving me a difficult time. Who gave me this sniper?" Sowon kept trying to look through the lenses but it was a bit blurry.

"Sowon it's your father's sniper. Eunbi changed the lenses on it for you. Why didn't you ever tell me that he died?" Eunha suddenly asked. Sowon wasn't prepared for this, she never would be. Losing someone—her father—is what she least expected.

"I don't want to talk about this...I don't want to talk about him" Sowon shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She wanted to remain calm but knowing that someone touched her belongings that were very valuable to her without asking her permission first outraged her.

"That's fine...we don't have to"

"I wasn't giving you the option to talk about it or not...I'm telling you that we're not going to speak about it, ever" Sowon replied with a slightly rude tone.

"And that's okay too..."

My Downfall | Killers List #3Where stories live. Discover now