Late Nights

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"Alright I'm heading to bed" Yerin yawned as soon as she walked inside. Eunbi followed behind her. They were all tired from having too much fun with Eunha's fiancé, they surprisingly actually liked the guy.

"I'll be right behind you guys" Yuju said as she watched the two slowly walk up stairs.

Yuju went to the kitchen to put something away real quick. She was about to go upstairs to ask Umji a question but suddenly she heard the piano coming from the music room.

She quietly opened the door, trying not to distract Umji. She stood by the doorway listening to the music until she finished playing. When her fingers fell to her side Yuju began clapping loudly, startling Umji.

"Jesus Christ! You scared me!" She jumped up from her seat.

"Beautiful performance" Yuju smiled.
"I bought some soup for you, with the meat in it"

"I'm a vegan" Umji snickered while she walked to the kitchen.

"I saw you put meat in the soup a couple days ago and then you ate some of it" Yuju said, following behind Umji.

"You caught me" Umji turned around and put her hands up, surrendering to detective Yuju.

"Well I think I'm gonna head to my room now" Yuju yawned and stretched her arms.

"Why not go to my room?" Umji looked at her suspiciously while she heated up the soup.

"I just thought I'd sleep in my room tonight since I literally have not been in that room for like three days straight" Yuju wasn't lying about the three days, it was almost four days now.

"Yeah right. You're lying" Umji smiled at what she thought was a lame joke.

"No I seriously have not stepped a foot into that room for three days" Yuju tried to convince her that it was true.

"Then how have you been washing your body?"

"I've been using your shower obviously. By the way that reminds me, you have very nice shampoo. Smell my hair" Yuju took a fist full of her hair and brought it towards Umji's face.

"I didn't say you could use my shower or my shampoo" Umji seemed serious. This made Yuju scared that she did something wrong.

"W-What?" Yuju choked up a bit. "I figured I could since me and you are dating" Yuju's face was beet red from nervousness by the time she finished her explanation.

"I'm kidding, it's fine" Umji felt guilty once she saw that Yuju was on the verge of tears. "But what about your clothes? You have to get a new outfit at some point" she was curious as to how Yuju was able to stay out of her room and still have everything she needed, including clothes.

"Well answer something first. Does this shirt look familiar?" Yuju smirked as she showed Umji the yellow shirt she was wearing.

"Is that...mine? It looks like something I'd wear. It's very familiar" Umji closely examined the bright clothing.

"Correct. I've been wearing some of your clothes and I can't believe you didn't even notice" Yuju laughed.

"Yuju why don't you—have you been using my toothbrush too?!" Umji gasped. No matter how much she loves Yuju, she refuses to share such an item like that with her. It's gross.

"No, no! That's disgusting" Yuju acted like she was puking. Her reaction was a bit too dramatic like usual. "I found an extra toothbrush under the counter. It was left in the package that had your toothbrush in it when you bought it" Yuju frantically waved her hands. Yuju could agree with Umji, no matter how much you love someone you should never share a toothbrush with them.

"Oh thank goodness" Umji placed her hand over her heart and sighed.

"We should quiet down. Yerin and Eunbi are trying to sleep" Yuju whispered.

"Right, I forgot" Umji grabbed her soup and tip-toed to the table.

"Can you share with me?" Yuju stared at Umji while she ate the hot soup.

"Come here" Umji gestured for her to come sit in the seat right next to her.

"I'm glad you're nice. The others never share food with me, especially Yerin"

"Yerin loves food, it's not her fault. Now be careful, it's hot" Umji unexpectedly brought the food up to Yuju's face, feeding her like she's a child. Yuju enjoyed not having to do anything for herself.

"Are those tomatoes?" Yuju smiled. It was delicious to say the least.

"Yeah, do you not like them? I can take them out if you want" Umji began to take out a tomato slice.

"No I love them. Where's the lamb sauce?" Yuju randomly laughed.

"What lamb sauce?" Sadly Umji didn't understand the joke.

"It's from Gordon Ramsay" Yuju looked bewildered. How could Umji not know the best chef in the world?

"Gordon Ramsay? Isn't he from Britain or something? I've heard of him but I never really took the time to get to know him. I don't pay attention to very many celebrities" Umji spent most of her time either playing the piano, thinking, or with Yuju.

"At least you know where he's from" Yuju shrugged along with a smile.

"Do you want anymore before I eat the rest?" Umji warned her before she ate the whole bowl.

"No you can have it, I already ate" of course Yuju let her eat the rest. She wanted to give Umji everything she possibly could.

Yuju joyfully watched Umji finish the soup. Just being able to stare at her made Yuju happy. She couldn't fathom how someone—a beautiful woman—could be so magnificent and god-like.

"Are you ready for bed?" Umji asked, setting the bowl in the sink for Yerin to clean tomorrow.

"I'm always ready for bed" Yuju yawned again.

"You should probably sleep more at night then" Umji suggested while following Yuju up the stairs.

"I haven't been able to sleep as good now that I'm in your room, I wonder why that is" Yuju was curious and Umji most likely had the answer.

"You're probably too busy watching me"

"You know what, I think you're right"

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