Chapter 2

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For a moment she was paralyzed. Toria was taken aback by the wide smile that appeard on his face once he saw her. She felt her heart raise by the sight of his happy smile and the twinkle in his warm brown eyes. She must have looked like a total fool. Her mouth wide open and not blinking for a long time, her eyes locked into his.

She was finally back to her positives when her mother took her hand.

She and her family bowed for the Starks.

'You had a lot of fun, didn't you Ray?' Ned Stark joked while he nodded to his children who were standing next to him.

Her father just laughed, not really sure what to say. He was always quiet, locked in his own mind.

'Introduce me to your little Starks, Ned,' her father finally spoke up.

Ned coughed and turned to his children. 'This is Robb, my oldest.'

'My daughter Sansa, my other daughter Arya. The son that is going to marry your daughter. Brandon.' She was right the boy who she was staring at as a creep was Brandon Stark.

'My youngest Rickon,' Ned smiled, 'and you'll remember my wife Catelyn.'

Her father nodded and smiled warmly.

'Its been too long, the last time I saw the both of you Cat was pregnant,' her father said and she saw her mother nod in agreement.

'Well,' Ned started rasing his hand, 'introduce me to yours.'

Toria's father laughed slightly while he turned around to face his children.

'This is Riler, my oldest son,' he started, 'Tavion, my second son. Klaus, my third son.'

He took a breath, looked at Ned for a second before he continued.

'Lurs, my fourth son, Djesley, Diyen and Donovar my triplets and my youngest and only daughter Toria.' She looked up to her father and he smiled at her. His smile tried to hide his sadness. She knew he did not want to give her away, but alliances had to be made. He was very protective over her, just like her mother and all of her brothers were. They had their eyes locked into one anothers for a second but it felt like it lasted for hours.

'We've talked long enough Ned,' Catelyn started, 'they had a long journey. Let them rest.'

Ned nodded to his wife, 'you're right. Come in, make yourselfs feel at home.'


The room she was given was bigger then she'd expected. She sat down on her bed and felt the soft wolf fur of her blanket.

While she was getting used to her room, her thoughts were disturbed by a knock om the door.

She opend the door and saw Brandon Stark. She froze for a second before she allowed him to enter. She wasn't expecting to see him so soon.

'Do you like your room?' He asked with a shaking voice.

'Yes, I like it a lot,' she smiled warmly and he smiled back.

'So..' he said still looking for the right words.

She didn't really know what to say as well. She should try to get to know him, but she was filled with all these nerves.

'Perhaps you could show me around Brandon Stark?' She asked still smiling. He looked up to her realizing she had spoken before he found the words.

'You can call me Bran,' he held out his hand, 'let me show you Winterfell my lady.'

She felt a blush rise on her cheeks and her smile grow before taking his hand.

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