Chapter 35

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Brans pov:

'They are not actually going through with the plan to kill the Lannisters, right?' He asked the three eyed raven. The raven had been teaching him a lot and Bran begged him everytime to get a look at Toria once in a while. Just to make sure she was allright so when he returned he could actually see her.

'No, they know they won't make it if they do.' The raven answered, 'this is what is happening in Kingslanding right now.'

'Are we almost there?' He asked excited.

The three eyes raven nodded and pointed to a little shed.

The last time they visited that shed, Toria was alone in the shed, being bored. Her brothers were out and Gendry was working. She didn't leave the shed. She quite hated not being able to leave the shed to help her brothers with the murder plan.

'You have a day off?' She asked rather confused. This time she wasn't alone.

They walked into the shed and saw Toria talking to Gendry.

'Yeah, they got sick of me,' he answered dorky. Toria stared at him for several seconds before diverting her attention back to the small window, looking at the Red Keep in disgust. She sure was a Northener that really hated the capital.

It made him chuckle, even if she had changed in appearance, some of her old personality was still in her.

'Remember.. when I told you.. I was thinking of you?' Gendry asked beginning to blush.

Brans heart raise in jealousy and fear. Quickly he looked at Toria's cold expression, she still liked him right?

'Yeah, I remember,' she whispered staring at the dirty floor below her.

'Well.. you know I mean to tell you, that I like you,' Gendry said, Bran wanted to walk up to him to punch this bastard in his face. But of course couldn't.

Toria swallowed still looking at the dirty floor, waiting for a miracle to happen.

'Thats just because I'm the only girl you've talked to in a long time,' she answered building up the courage to look at Gendry.

'No,' Gendry said, slowly walking to Toria, 'you are a beautiful woman, with a beautiful personality. You are fierce, wit, determined and kind.. I like you for who you are Toria.'

She didn't spoke as Gendry told her about his feelings, she just looked at him with a certain look in her eyes that Bran couldn't explain.

Gendry was marely a few inches away from Toria. Something inside her seen to change. Her cold expression turned into a red, blushing face.

'I don't really know what to say,' she whispered. In utter disbelief he started to look from a different angle walking to the two.

'Is he..' not finishing that question, already knowing the answer. She wouldn't kiss Gendry right? She still liked him. He hoped at least. The fear of losing her got closer as Gendry got closer to Toria, who didn't move at all. Of course, she thought Bran was dead. She had the full right to move on. She would kiss him, she would get together with Gendry and live a happy life. He wished for her to live a happy life.. he just wished it would be with him. Of course even if they would see each other Toria would be scared off by seeing cripple Bran. What woman would want to marry a cripple?

Gendry started to lean in, slowly, making this scene only more painfull for Bran, Toria lifted her head slightly, ready for Gendry to kiss her. She held her hands behind her back, terrified for this kiss. Gendry layed his hands on her shoulders. Ans just as Bran was accepting the fact they would kiss, Toria pushed him away just before his lips could touch hers. Her face was filled with a certain sadness and fierceness. Gendry looked rather surprised by the change Toria just made. And Bran was relieved. Sighed and smiled as Toria refused to Kiss Gendry.

'I'm sorry, you're kind, I know. You will be good for me, Gendry. I know that,' she said stepping back, 'you are good. And I'm sorry, but you'll never be as good as him.'

Gendry blinked several times as did Bran by the certainty that sounded through her voice.

'I'm sorry.. but you're not him.'

As Gendry's face turned sad, his face started to glow in happiness.

'But he's dead.. I.. sorry,' Gendry stutterd.

'Perhaps.. or perhaps not,' Toria said staring at Gendry.

'Toria you have to face the reality.. you can not be with Bran Stark.. he is dead. Burned by Theon Greyjoy,' Gendry explained, 'its allright to move on.. I'll be good to you.'

'I know you will,' she sighed, 'but you are not Bran Stark.. and I still don't believe after all these years that he is dead. I refuse to believe it.'

Gendry sighed, putting his hands on the small, improvised table.

'I want to be friends with you.. Nothing more.. I'm sorry,' she said, sitting down at the dirty floor.

'You love him, don't you?'

'Yes,' she answered getting emotional, 'with all of my heart.'

Gendry nodded, accepting the fact she loved Bran.

'Lets go, check where her brothers are,' Bran said being happy to know she loved him.

The raven and he walked around Flea Bottom. Only to find Riler sitting on the ground, covering himself in a cloak. Lurs looking at girls that walked passed. Not doing anything intresting.

'Listen Riler, I bet you. She still loves Bran, did you see her respond to you when you tried to paire her up with that boy? In that village back at the Whitewalls?' Lurs said averting his attention to his brother.

'Perhaps, she and Gendry got really close,' Riler said.

'O, yeah but she has a Stark addiction.. so do you,' Lurs said again laughing at Riler crawling even more in his cloak.

'Stop it.'

'Stark addiction?' Bran asked confused. What in the Seven hells did that mean?

'You can't blame yourself for nog being the one to rescue her.. don't be so hard on yourself.'

'I don't even know if she's alive right now.. they could've killed her.. she could've died because of starvation.. if I would've saved her I would know all those things.' Riler snirred.

'Calm down, she probably doesn't even remember you anymore. If you compare Riler Darkerly to Joffrey Baratheon, we all know her choice.' Lurs said, Which made Riler even more angry.

'Are they talking about Sansa?' He asked the raven, who nodded. Why Sansa? What would Riler see in Sansa? She didn't even had an eye for him. She indeed only saw Joffrey. Before she figured out Joffrey was the worst person in the world.. if she didn't count Ramsay as well.

'I don't care if she liked me or not, I need her to be safe and happy.' Riler said certain.

Something Bran was sure about. Sansa needed someone like Riler in her life. Riler seemed like the guy Sansa should've fallen for instead of Joffrey. But Joffrey was supposed to be King and Riler Lord of Darkerly Castle. Which made the choice for young Sansa easy. She wanted to be queen and Riler couldn't make her the queen she desired to be. He sighed as he saw Rilers blue eyes divert to the dirt on the ground. Deep in his thoughts. Bran was certain, all Sansa would wish for right now was someone like Riler in her life. Maybe as lover, or maybe as a friend. Riler didn't seem to mind what role he would play in her life, as long as he could be in it.

Bran longed for home. Bran longed for family. But he had to finish his tasks with the three eyed raven first. Having to ignore the longings he wished for.

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