Chapter 42

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Toria's pov:

She stood infront of her mirror, staring at her white dress. The dress Sansa made her for the wedding. She had never been so nervous and exciting in her life. She was about to marry Bran, she tried to remain calm but she was internally screaming. Her hair was done nicely. She always imagined the knock on the door of her father, ready to escort her to her bethroted. But the knock on the door came from Riler as he was the one to escort her to Bran. He looked handsome in the clothes Sansa made him.

'Well, you look beautiful little one,' Riler said proud, the way he said it he sounded like father which made her more emotional.

'I am so nervous,' she said with a shaky voice.

'Don't be,' he stepped infront of her.

'Can't you and Lurs both escort me? I want the both of you there on my sides,' Toria asked.

'I..' Riler said, 'why not.'

He left the room and returned with a crying Lurs.

'You give me the honor to escort you, you look so beautiful,' Lurs said while wiping away his tears, 'I am so proud of you, I love you.'

She hugged her brother tightly. 'I love you too.'

'Come on Lurs, we have to escort her to Bran,' Riler said pulling Lurs away.

Toria held both of her brothers arms, outside it was snowing. They did not speak as they walked towards the weirwood, where the ceremony would happen.

All the eyes were layed on her as they got closer to the weirwood. She saw Sansa and Arya smile, a lot of lords were there. Still figuring out how three Darkerly's remained alive as they saw them walk towards Bran. He sat in his wheelchair with a big smile on his face. He wore white clothes, which she assumed Sansa made him.

She smiled warmly at him, she was ready. The high septon was waiting as her brothers gave her away to Bran. He kindly kissed her hand as they held it.

Toria bowed so Bran could out his cloak on her. Bringing her under his protection. The septon tied a ribbon around their hands before speaking.

'My lords, my ladies we stand here in the sight of Gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever,' the septon spoke. In between the words she looked at Bran with an exciting smile which he gladly returned.

'Let it be known that house Stark and house Darkerly are one flesh, one heart, one soul. Cursed be who would seek to tear them asunder,' the septon continued, 'in the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity.'

She turned to face Bran, as did he.

'Look upon each other and say the words,' the septon said.

'Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger..' they spoke, forgetting about the world around them. Being lifted from this world as all she saw was Bran.

'I am hers and she is mine, from this day untill the end of my days,' Bran said with a dreamy voice.

'I am his and he is mine, from this day untill the end of my days,' she said smiling happily.

She hardly noticed the septon had taken the ribbon off. Bran signaled to her to kneel and get a little closer to him.

'With this kiss, I pledge my love,' Bran annonced as he leaned in and kissed her softly.

People started to cheer and Lurs started to cry out loud. She was married to Bran.


After that was a feast there was pie and Toria and Bran got a lot of gifts. They sat at the table next to each other, eating pie.

'I say!' Lurs shouted standing on one of the tables, 'its time for the bedding ceremony!'

Toria and Bran looked at each other not being able to read each others expressions.

She noticed Sansa and Riler stopped talking and looked from Lurs to Bran and Toria. People started to cheer and all of them went to carry Bran and Toria to his chambers.

Her face was all turned red as she saw Bran with a surprised face infront of her being carried.

They put Bran and Toria on his bed and they left the room. Leaving Toria and Bran all alone.

She couldn't stop laughing as she crawled closer to Bran.

'Only if you want to,' Bran said serious, she nodded. She was ready. She wanted it.

'I am afraid you must go on top,' he giggled slightly as she started to undress Bran. Her heartbeat raise as Bran started untying the straps of her dress. They kissed in between and once they were undressed she climbed on top of Bran and consumated their marriage.

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