Chapter 9

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'Toria, wake up,' she heard Rilers voice echo, 'we're home.'

She slowly openend her eyes and saw Rilers face hang above hers. Still sleepy she stepped out of the carriage and looked at the big castle. The beige colored rocks of the towers and walls. The banners with the arctic fox hanging everywhere, people coming out of their homes to greet the Darkerlys.

'Toria!' A high pitched girl voice shouted. She looked in the direction where it came from and saw Sarisa, a friend of hers. Her long red hair pulled back, her deep green eyes sparkeling. Before she could even say hello Sarisa wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

'You have to tell me everything,' Sarisa said with a big smile on her face. Usually the guards would  try to defend Toria from any harm if it wasn't Sarisa. Sarisa had been around for as long as Toria could remember, her mother was a maid in the castle. That was the job Toria's mother gave her since she had nowhere to go they became best friends and so did Sarisa and Toria.

'I will,' Toria said giggling, 'I have to do something else first.'

'What could be more important than that conversation?' Sarisa asked frowning and breaking apart from the hug. Toria thought of Sarisa as a nice person  who was very bossy. Which could be annoying since Toria was a little bossy herself.

'Writing my future husband I arrived home safely,' she answered which made Sarisa overjoyed again.

'Guess we'll talk later,' Sarisa said smiling and Toria nodded.


'Lady Toria, come and take a bath,' Sarisa's mother, the maid, said exhausted.

'I'll come later Camyla, I have to write a letter,' Toria answered.

Camyla huffed, being utterly annoyed with Toria right now.

'You can come back later,' Toria said waving her hand, signaling she could leave.

'Yes, my lady,' Camyla said before she left the room.

Toria started writing.

Dear Bran,

I've arrived back at Darkerly castle safe and sound. I hope you could visit sometime, you'd love it  here there are a lot of walls you could climb. Furthermore I miss you, we had a lot of fun and even if I have a friend over here.. She's great but it feels like you and I have a better connection. And did you know that queen Cersei gave my brother Riler death glares? If you'd ask me she should be happy her daughter is going to marry him! What do you think?

The ride back home was mainly sleeping, my mother told me I should not be afraid of our wedding even though I'm not at all. Six months ago I was but since we get along so well I'm not afraid anymore. Even if I'm gone right now I hope this letter will make you feel that I'm still close with you. Write me back as soon as you get this.

Lots of love,

Toria Darkerly

She smiled after finishing the letter and tied the letter to the raven, she watched it fly away untill it was out of her sight.

Now she would take a bath, finally.

She openend the door and saw the maid still there.

'Great, you're here! I have to take a bath,' Toria said smiling.

'I know lady Toria,' Camyla answered rolling her eyes, 'you're more like your father everyday.'

All Toria did was giggle.


'So, he gave you the flowers that were in one of your books?' Sarisa asked with a wide smile.

'Yes, they're in my room,' Toria answered, 'he's really kind and gentle.'

'And where did you get that necklace?' Sarisa asked pointing to the necklace with the arctic fox.

'Bran, made it,' Toria answered. Sarisa's jaw dropped.

She smiled slightly and as she looked outside she did not pay much attention to Sarisa's words, she just looked at the view of trees, the grey sky and the sunburts that shined through the clouds. All she could think of was Bran, if he was okay or not. Thats when a feeling started bugging her, she didn't knew what it exactly meant. All she knew was that it wasn't good.

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