Chapter 22

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'All we know is that the Boltons might have taken Theon Greyjoy,' Littlefinger told Tywin as she poured the wine into two glasses, 'he'll be tortued for killing the young Starks.'

'Greyjoys, they're so stupid,' Tywin simply said taking the wine, 'what about the Stark girls?'

'Sansa is still in Kingslanding, Arya is missing ever since Neds trial,' Littlefinger asked, 'probably dead.'

'Mayra, bring us some bread,' Tywin called.

Toria sighed at put the the bread in the bascet.

'You know, lord Tywin,' Littlefinger began, 'I could take this girl to Kingslanding and have her work in the brothel. A lot of men will pay for her.'

Littlefingers hand stroke down her cheek, over her back to her butt as she tried to remain calm and not beat the shit out of him. She stepped away, offended and angry.

'No, she works for me, I will not send her to your disgusting brothel,' Tywin snirred at Littlefinger, 'Mayra you may be excused.'

'Thank you, my lord,' she said and then she realised she had to give a small bow, not just for Tywin but also for Littlefinger. 'My lord.' She said as she bowed slightly.

Littlefinger smirked as she bowed, it was a disgusting look and she just wanted to break his nose for smirking. She wanted to cut his face for touching and offending her like that.

Toria left the room as fast as she could and ran to to her brothers tent.

'Riler,' Toria whispered as she walked in rather upset.

'Hush,' he whispered back as he came out of bed and took a candle.

'How much longer do we have to stay here?' Toria asked nit being able to hold her tears back anymore, 'we've been here for I believe three months.'

Her voice began to shake and the tears rolled down her cheeks like waterfalls. Rilers face turned into worry as he took her into his arms tightly.

'I don't know,' Riler answered softly, 'did something happen?'

'Littlefinger,' she began, 'he.. wanted to take me to a brothel. He tried to convince Tywin to have me work in a brothel, he said a lot of man would pay for me.'

'He did what?!' Riler almost shouted in anger.

'Tywin denied,' Toria continued, 'Littlefinger.. he touched me.'

'Toria, listen,' Riler kneeled down infront of her so he could look her in the eyes, 'anyone who would try to hurt you, any man who tries to touch you in ways you don't want to be touched, anyone who will disrespect you I will slaughter.'

Toria was taken aback by the raige in his voice, Riler was always kind, generous and caring. Saying every life matters, but now he got hatefull and violent.

'Where is Littlefinger?' Riler asked.

'You can't, it will be suspecious,' she replied.

Riler sighed. 'Did I tell you how I admire you little one?'


'You are probably the strongest person I have ever met, so much obstacles and you carry them with ease,' Riler said, 'without you, Lurs and I would have been killed in Darkerly castle while stabbing mothers killer dead body. When we were at our worst you helped us get back to our positives. I admire you for your strength.' Riler answered staring in her eyes.

'Without you we would have been stranded in the woods, clueless of what we're doing,'  Toria replied.

Riler smiled. 'You should get back to sleep.'

'I did learn something else,' Toria said, 'Arya Stark isn't a captive in Kingslanding. Sansa Stark is.'

'Sansa?' Riler asked getting less confident, 'she's.. okay.. right? They're still treating her right.. Aren't they?'

'I don't know,' Toria answered getting curious about Rilers new scared attitude.

'Well, eh, get to bed little one,' Riler said and Toria left the tent.

'Those fuckers!' she heard Riler say angry, 'keeping her hostage! I should kill them all!'

'I heard that,' Toria said.

'Shit.' Riler replied awkward, 'I was talking about you.'

'Sure, you were,' Toria giggled, 'Goodnight Sulvan.'

'Goodnight little one.' He replied still angry.

She knew Riler and Sansa talked a lot back in Winterfell but she didn't expect he had feelings for her. Especially since she was so hooked on Joffrey. He must have been heartbroken, having to marry Joffreys sister and his actual crush liked his bethroteds brother. Well, Darkerly's sure are good at hiding feelings. She didn't understand why he liked Sansa, sure she was kind but she could act like a real bitch. He must have seen something else in her, she thought as she walked into her tent.

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