Chapter 37

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The ride to Winterfell was comfortable, Meera didn't need to drag him. They had a cart.

As they drove through the Winterfell gates he felt great. Home.

He waited to see his sister. He was frightend to see her and excited. He hadn't seen her in so long, he hadn't seen anyone in so long besides from Meera. Meera stood beside him, rather nervous.

Sansa appeard, her face froze for a second as Bran turned his head to look at his sister. He smiled warmly.

'Hello Sansa,' he said. Sansa's frozen face broke as she hugged him tightly. It had been so long.

'I thought you were dead,' Sansa said sobbing.

'I'm not,' he said, 'its good to see you.'

He noticed Meera acting strange. Seeing Bran and Sansa reunite must make her miss Jojen even more.


As Bran was sitting at the weirwood in a wheelchair, he was in deep thoughts untill Sansa came.

'Jon is at Dragonstone with Deanerys Targeryen,' Sansa said, 'he will be happy to see you are alive.'

'I must talk to Jon,' Bran said. Sansa nodded.

'I suppose you are now lord Stark,' she said.

'I am the three eyed raven now,' Bran replied calmly.

Sansa's expression turned into confusion. 'I don't know what that means,'

'It means I can see everything, that ever happend and is happening right now,' he explained to his sister.

Sansa did not seem convinced by this.

'You looked beautiful in that white dress you wore when you married Ramsay Bolton,' Bran said and he smiled.

'Thank you,' Sansa said disgusted and taken aback.

'I know everything,' Bran said again, 'could you take me back? I have to write a letter to a very special person.'

'And who might that be?' Sansa asked pushing the wheelchair forward back to Winterfell.

'Toria Darkerly,' he answered smiling.

'Toria Darkerly? She's dead Bran.. her whole family is dead, killed by Wildlings.' Sansa said.

'No. It were the Lannisters that killed them.. but four remain alive,' Bran answered.


'Riler, Lurs, Toria and one of the triplets remain alive,' he told her, 'the oldest one blames himself for not being able to save you from Kingslanding. He's blaming himself right now.'

'Riler?' Sansa asked confused.

'So you do remember him?' Bran asked smiling, even if she couldn't see it.

'Of course I remember him, I mourned for him and the rest of his family when I heard what happened to them.. Riler was always very kind to me.' Sansa explained, 'its hard to forget someone like Riler if you get stuck into Kingslanding where everyone is mean to you.'

'Its allright Sansa,' he explained, 'he will be thrilled to hear you're still alive and well.'

'Yeah right.. I wasn't exactly kind back in the days, I was a stupid little girl,' she said getting a bit upset.

'He didn't see it that way,' Bran says, 'he liked you.. and he still does.'

Sansa remained quiet.


Dear Toria,

Its been so long and I've thought for a long time you were dead, I am glad you aren't.

If you are still looking for a place to stay I will be happy to have you back here at Winterfell. And your brothers as well. I've missed you, a lot Toria.

I know I told you I would try to write you a thick book like you would write me. But it will be better if you just come to Winterfell. Its taken back. Jon and Sansa won it back from Ramsay Bolton. I came home and I know you've been living in a shed for longer than a year. I hope I'll see you soon, maybe we can finally get married, if you still want to marry me. I have changed I must say. I hope you won't mind, but I understand if you do. And I understand if that will change your feelings about the marriage.

Lots of love,

Bran Stark.

And tell Riler that Sansa is alive. It will make him feel better.

'Is that allright?' He asked Sansa, who read the letter through. She nodded and attached it to a raven. Bran watched the raven fly away before warging into it, making sure it would get to where it was adressed to go.


Kingslanding was warm, Bran flew over Flea Bottom, looking for the shed Toria was in. Another day of sitting alone in the shed he saw, he flew through the window, making her jump.

'A raven?' She asked herself confused.

He saw her look around confused before taking off the letter. That was when she saw the Stark stemple on the letter. It was perfectly times as both of her brothers and Gendry walked in.

'Why are you looking at that letter as if you see water burn?' Lurs asked.

Toria just stared at it. He wished he knew what was going on in her mind.

'It has a Stark stemple,' she whispered, smiling with tears in her eyes. Not from sadness, but happiness.

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