chapter 51

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Djesleys pov:

The silence was terrible, it made his nerves go crazy as he looked at the golden company infront of him. He stood beside Jon Snow, who didn't seem so nervous but rather bored, according to Djesley.
They had to win this war if he wanted to return to his family, he still wanted to be there when Sarisa would give birth. He knew Daenerys would not let his baby be a bastard, because he was loyal to her and she had promised him a while ago. Sarisa probably hardly even knew if she was a bastard. Nobody except Camyla knew who the father was.
A soft rumbling sound appeard in the sky. He took a small step back, hoping that little step would stop him from being burned.
The golden company were standing there, like they owned the place but little did they know they were useless when Daenerys burned the wall and most of them to the ground from behind them. It actually made Djesley slightly chuckle as Daenerys' army marched forward to attack.
He fought his way through, killing a lot. He might be blind in one eye, but he sure wasn't easy to kill since the blindness had become an advantage of his.
They ended up in a street, standing face to face with the Lannister army. Who had realised they'd lost already as they threw their swords on the ground, in defeat.
Djesley sighed relieved, it was over and no innocents had to die. But Cersei wouldn't admit she was defeated, her people were shouting for her to give up. But yet she didn't.
Djesley actually got worried this might end badly as he looked at the unsullied behind him.
When the bells rang, he was happy. Cersei was defeated.
But all that happiness changed when Daenerys and Drogon flew up and before he could even think of what she was going to do she started to burn Kingslanding.
He watched the dragon spot fire in the distant as the unsullied behind him stormed to the Lannister army and slaughtered them.
The first thing that came to his mind was that he would have to help people, since he had no idea what tye plan was Daenerys was having without informing him about it. He stormed around the streets, woman and men were killed in the open streets. Innocents were being murdered, and Djesley was against such dishonered murders, because he was once in one.
"Stop!" He shouted, knowing it wouldn't matter because they would continue to murder, "these people are innocent! This is dishonorable! Stop!"
He could keep shouting but it would not help, so he went to help people.
He ran around and saw a little boy, plunged against the wall, terrified as he cried, watching his mother being killed infront of him. Djesley killed the unsullied man who did that, he killed an innocent woman, how would that unsullied guy do that?
"Come on, we have to get you out of here," Djesley said as he kneeled before the scared little boy.
The boy shrugged as he seemed even more scared by looking at Djesleys eye.
"Listen, I am Djesley Darkerly from Darkerly Castle in the North, I didn't know about this plan and I want to help you," Djesley explained, "if you stay here, those evil man will come again. And I don't want that to happen to you, so please let me help you."
He held out his hand to the little boy. The boy glanced from his hand to his face before taking it.
The boy clunged onto his hand as they made their way through this war. He saw a woman who was being raped and he ran towards the Northern man who was raping her.
He drove his sword through the mans throath and helped the woman up.
"Come on, we have to go, I'm getting you out of here," Djesley said and the woman walked with them.
Djesley handed her a dagger so she could at least try to protect herself. He would not be able to safe many lives, but as Kingslanding was burning every life would matter.
They tumbler their way to the wall were the blast was. He saw Tyrion, who seemed destroyed on the inside.
"Tyrion!" Djesley shouted who was covered in blood and ash, "help these innocents."
The woman and the boy ram towards Tyrion.
"What will you do?" Tyrion asked as he saw that Djesley was ready to return to battle.
"I'll save as many lives as I can," Djesley answered.
"Lord Darkerly," the little boy stammered, the whole naming 'lord Darkerly' made him itchy, as the face of his father flashed before him, "Thank you."
Djesley turned around to smile at the boy as Tyrion started to give the two instuctions on how to get away safely and Djesley returned to battle.
He saw Jon trying to stop people as he swang his sword around, but Djesley stumbled when he saw two twin girls around fifteen hold each others hand as they were praying to remain alive.
"Come on, Lets go," Djesley ran to the girls, "I'm getting you out of here!"
"Watch out!" One of the girls shouted in fear, Djesley swang his sword and stopped an unsullied guy.
"Traitor!" The guy shouted.
The guy had just cut another scar on his face, but luckily not his eye. Djesley drove a sword through his stomach. And as he wanted to turn around to help the girls he could see them several meters away, with slashed throaths.
He screamed outraged as he ran through the streets. He saw a man, holding his wife and daughter close to him as they cried while awaiting death.
Djesley picked up a sword that lied on a Lannister body and ran to the family.
"Hey, can you fight?" Djesley asked the man.
"Don't think I'll fight alongside those murderers," the man scoffed at him.
"Thats not what I meant," Djesley explained, "I want to help you get you out of here, you and your family. Hurry she's getting closer to this part of Kingslanding."
"Who are you?" The mand asked.
"My name is Djesley Darkerly, I'm from Darkerly Castle in the North," he said and he handed the man the sword, "if you take the back, I'll take the front and we can protect your family while we get out of here."
The man took the sword, his daughter was right behind Djesley, followed by his wife and than the man himself.
As they went through the streets Drogon and Daenerys got closer and burned the place. The girls mother pushed her daughter to Djesley as herself and her husband would not live any longer. The girl shouted for her parents who got burned, wanting to run into the fire. But Djesley would not allow that.
"Listen," Djesley kneeled before her, "your mother has trusted me with your life, thats why she pushed you away. To save you. I will not let you get hurt."
The girl blinked her tears away as she had her big brown eyes focussed on his blind eye.
"Whats your name?" He asked her.
"Shiva," she sobbed.
"Thats a beautiful name, I will help you," Djesley smiled at the girl and she wrapped her arms around him. He swung his left arm around her and lifted her up. As he stumbled his way back again.
A Dothraki tried to have him killed, but he duck and he and Shiva were allright, Thank the Gods.
Shiva was practically strangling him, thats how tightly she held onto him.
He was glad to reach Tyrion.
"Tyrion, this is Shiva, keep her safe," Shiva had let go of him. And he was ready to go back into battle, into the fire.. untill.
"You can't go back there," Tyrion said, "Djesley, you're a good man, but that is too dangerous."
"But... the people," Djesley mumbled, looking back and forth from Tyrion to Kingslanding.
"She is burning it down, you can't risk your life. Not now," Tyrion held out a piece of paper, "you have to go."
Djesley frowned.
Shiva was holding onto Djesleys hand as he walked to Tyrion, confused about his statement.
"You'll be a wonderfull father," Tyrion said hanging him the little piece of paper.
"How come the raven brought it to you instead of myself?" Djesley asked as he read the letter.
"Something is telling me the raven was Bran Stark," Tyrion answered.
"I still don't get how that guy gets into a bloody raven," Djesley said.
When he read that he had a daughter named Camyla he sat down on the floor, crying happy but also dissapointed that he could not be there.
"You should go to Winterfell," Tyrion said.
"What about Daenerys I cam't leave now," Djesley whispered, "she'll have me killed for treason."
"You just had a daughter, and you fought trying to save the people she tried to burn, thats already enough treason," Tyrion said, "you have to go."
"Were are the boy and the woman?" He asked Tyrion.
"I sent them through the woods," Tyrion said, "why?"
"I'm taking them with me," he answered stern as Shiva gasped.

Toria's pov:

"Did he get the message?" She asked Bran as he warged back into himself.
"Yes, he's on his way back here," Bran answered, "Daenerys has burned Kingslanding."
"I'm not so surprised as when you told me last night Jon's a Targeryen," Toria chuckled, sipping the water.
"I have a feeling that Daenerys will not live any longer," Bran said calmly, "now that she has burned Kingslanding, killing thousands of innocents."
"So who will take the throne when she's out of  the picture?" Toria asked, "Jon?"
"No, he will not take the throne, because he will be the one to kill Daenerys," Bran said as a little smirk appeard on his face. Making her wonder what he could be planning.
"So, who will?" She asked curious.
"I was thinking about us," Bran said calmly as he smirked at her. Toria was shocked at first, but thinking about her sitting on the throne alongside Bran, it would be amazing.
"I thought you didn't want a title," she questioned.
"I think the three eyes raven should start a new era," he said, "and I want you by my side. Now and always."
"Of course I'll be always by your side," she smiled, "so whats the plan?"
"First, we must not tell anyone," Bran said stern, "furthermore we'll wait."
"Because they will pick us themselves, when the time is ready," he said.

So, what did you think? Gone but close is getting closer and closer to an end.

Since it is really and really unclear when and why Bran decided he'd be king I decided to try some myself, so I hope I did it right at least.

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