Chapter 4

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At dinner she met Brans troublemaking sister Arya. She  was funny and fierce, she very much enjoyed pranking Sansa who would be freaking out. And Robb would laugh alongside Theon. She saw Bran talking with Rickon, Arya running away from Robb who had gotten the orders to bring her to bed, Sansa glaring at Arya. She decided to look towards the great table her parents were sitting. Her mother was laughing with lady Catelyn, they were having a lot of fun together. When she decided to look at her father she noticed he was already looking at her. His stormy grey eyes were locked onto her, he went through his curly brown hair. The fact that she did not expect him to be looking made her feel a little embarresd. But what he did then almost made her fall of her chair. He just winked at her. He never winks and Toria did not understood what that meant. Then he turned his head and started talking to lord Stark.

She turned around, back to her food when Djesley stopped her.

'He's proud of you, you know?' Djesley asked with a smirk on his face.


'Father, he's proud of you thats why he winked,' Djesley explained, 'the first time I saw him do that was when Lurs managed to shoot a deer at the age of eleven.'

Toria nodded still wondering what she might have done to make him proud.

'What would he be proud of?' Toria asked her brother.

'Maybe because you follow secret fighting classes,' he answered sarcasticly, 'probably because you have been handeling this situation really strong.'

She was still confused.

'The wedding, husband and all of that situation,' Djesley said. He laughed a little, 'honestly sis you're handeling it really good.'

'Thank you,' Toria said smiling, 'I must be really good if I get a compliment from you.'

He rolled his eyes once he saw her sassy smirk. He was not good at obtaining compliments, nor giving them. Behind his big walls he was a real sweetheart. Just afraid to open up, yet he was a playfull boy, he always joked around.

'Djes, how long will we stay here?' She asked him.

'I don't really know, father says there might be more plans and we'll stay a little shorter than expected,' he shrugged, 'you should really ask him sis.'

Toria nodded and walked towards her father.

'Toria, sweetheart,' her father began with a smile, 'is something wrong?'

'Not at all father, I was just wondering something.'

'Well, what were you wondering?' He asked.

'How long will we be staying in Winterfell?' She asked kindly.

'Don't you like it here Toria?' Ned asked joining in the conversation.

'I do, I just got a little curious,' she answered, 'Djesley told me some sort of events could be happening what would make our stay a little shorter.'

'Ah, of course,' her father laughed and so did Ned Stark, 'within five or six months we might head to kingslanding so Riler can meet his future wife.'

Riler who was sitting right behind Toria turned around to make a short statement.

'I can not wait,' Riler said sarcastic, Robb who sat next to him started laughing.

'Yeah, I read somewhere kingslanding is pure shit,' Toria said without thinking. Realizing what she said after she'd said it.

Ned who was drinking, spitted out all of the wine in his mouth and started laughing.

'Allright lady, I think its time for you to go to bed,' her father said.

'I'm sorry father, I did not mean to say that,' she felt so stupid for talking out of term.

'Its okay darling,' her father smiled slightly, 'but you're still going to bed. Tavion.'

Her brother turned around and walked towards hus father.

'Yes, father?' Tavion asked blowing a lock of his black hair out of his face.

'Could you bring Toria to her room?' He asked.

'Of course father,' Tavion answered and he layed his hand on her upper back.

'Goodnight,' Toria said calmly and walked away with her brother.

Along the way she bumped into Bran, who looked confused.

'Whats going on?' Bran asked as he furrowed his brows together.

'I have to go to bed,' Toria answered calmly.

Bran looked from Toria to Tavion before speaking, like he did not find the right words.

'Perhaps I could ask your father to make you stay a little longer,' Bran said smiling.

'Thats sweet Bran, but I spoke out of term and besides you're still going to see me for around six months,' Toria smiled warmly.

'Well okay,' he putted his hands on his hips and looked into her eyes, 'can I at least hug you?'

'Of course you can,' she giggled. He was so adorable and loving.

He wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped her around his. She heard his heartbeat raising and felt his warmth. After a moment that seemed too short they broke apart.

'Good night,' he said. He glared at Tavion for a moment, like his presence ruined something for Bran. He smiled when he looked back at Toria.

'Good night,' Toria said still giggling.

Toria and Bran both walked into different directions. She knew Tavion was smiling and about to say something.

'He surely hated the fact I was there,' Tavion laughed, 'otherwise he probably would've tried to kiss you goodnight.'

'He would?' She was surprised, Toria did not expect Bran would do that.

'I think so, but what would I know?' Tavion shrugged.

'You're right,' she turned around, 'what do you know about it.'

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