Chapter 3

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After the tour Bran gave her she learned that he was very different from her and yet the same. She got along with him easily which made her feelings on this marriage a lot better.

'So you like reading?' Bran asked and she nodded, 'but why?'

'Reading gives you an oppertunity to see throughout someone else's perspective. It's like escaping reality and becoming someone else for a moment.' She answered, 'why do you like climbing?'

'The view and the exhilaration it gives, to feel the wind blow in my face and see the sunset.' Bran answered, 'tell me something about your brothers, one of them must be a bastard. Right? No way you could have that many.'

She shook her head. 'My father is a faithfull man, he'll do whats right. Not whats easy.'

'Your house words.. right? I'm still learning them all by measter Luwin.' Bran laughed slightly.

'No. Do whats right, not whats easy.. its a common motto but its used a lot more than our actual house words.' She laughed, 'its getting annoying to hear him say it each and every day.'

Bran laughed and so did she. They really seemed to click right away after they weren't shy anymore.

'What about you? Do you have a bastard in the family?' She asked.

'Yes, Jon,' he answered, 'he's great. My mom doesn't like him that much, but I do.'

She smiled kindly.

'But tell me everything. I want to know everything about you, and your family.'

She sighed and thought of where she should start.

'Riler is going to rule the Darkerly castle later. He's going to marry Myrcella Baratheon. Tavion wants to become a knight, he's not intrested in love, a wife or a family of his own. Klaus wants to travel the world find a wife. Not one he has to marry. He calls it crap. He wants to meet the one and face the consequenses it might has. Lurs is unsure wether he wants to become a part of the nightswatch or marry someone. The triplets, Djesley and Diyen want to be knights in Kingslanding. And Donovar wants to sail or become a knight.' She said without taking a breath.

'And what do you want?' He asked kindly.

She looked away from the ground towards Bran and his wide smile.

'I just really want to be happy, have a family of my own, be with my family whenever I want to.' She looked into his sparkling brown eyes.

'I promise you, I will make you happy,' Bran started encouraging, 'I will treat you good, I'll give you everything your heart desires.'

'And I will be a good wife,' she said trown aback by the words Bran just spoke to her, 'I wil, stand by your side, always. I will make you happy and I will give you everything.'

'O, you two already talk like you're married,' Lurs said from behind them.

As they turned their faces towards her brother they noticed he was with a boy.

Toria looked at Bran with a questioning look on her face.

'Thats Theon,' Bran said already knowing her question, 'he's allright.'

She nodded and looked to the two.

'We were send to get you, its almost dinner time,' Theon said before Lurs could.

Lurs nodded and smiled towards his sister. She smiled shyly back.

While they walked back with Theon and Lurs they looked at each other.

By the look on Brans face she knew he would be the perfect husband for her. She was sure he would treat her well and he would make her happy. The fear she had before seemed like it was ages ago. Now she felt comfortable around him. They might have known each other for two or three hours but she felt it click between them.

And by the look on his face he seemed to feel the same way for her.

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