Chapter 49

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Toria's pov:

"Come on, you're doing great!" Toria said as Sarisa was crushing her hand.
"Great!?" Sarisa's wide open eyes flicked to Toria who could feel the fear grow, "you think I'm doing great?!"
Toria diverted her attention to the Maester.
"How long will this take?" She asked rather feared by Sarisa, who was giving birth.
"I can almost see the head," the Maester said, "just keep pushing."
"I'm trying," Sarisa shouted in pain.
"You got this, Sarisa," Toria said trying to comfort her but instead Sarisa grapped her collar and pulled Toria's face closer to hers.
"How did your mother gave birth to eight of you?" Sarisa screamed, her green eyes flickering in anger and pain.
Toria swallowed, afraid of saying something else that she might take wrong which luckily lead to Sarisa letting go of Toria's collar.
"Are you allright, lady Stark?" A septa asked Toria as she sat back in the chair, as far away from Sarisa's grip as possible.
"Yes, Thank you," Toria said and she looked at the Maester again, "get that bloody baby out of her, will you please?"
"Almost, lady Stark," the Maester said. Toria sighed, looking back at Sarisa. Her red hair was stuck on her head, because of the sweat. Tears slowly grew in her eyes as she panted heavily. The sight of it was making Toria afraid of giving birth herself. It also made her wonder how in the Seven hells her mother ever gave birth to eight Darkerly's and even three of them after one another. If her mother were that strong, she could be too. Right?
"There it is," the Maester said, pulling away the baby, "it's a girl."
Toria stood up, with a smile on her face. The baby was covered in blood and cried loudly. But Sarisa was filled with joy, she seemed to have forgotten the pain she had several seconds ago.
The Maester brought Sarisa the baby as she held it tightly to herself, crying in joy.
"She's beautiful," Toria whispered as she took a closer look. The baby had the same red hair as Sarisa, a skin filled with freckles. Now she had blue eyes, Toria's mother once told her that all baby's would be born with blue eyes and eventually their true eye color would show, so for this baby it could either be green or grey.
"Hi, there," Sarisa sobbed as she held her baby, "I am your mother, and I'm going to take such good care of you my little angel, you will soon meet your father. Once he's done fighting a war."
"What shall be her name?" Toria asked.
"Djesley said he'd like Camyla, but since he's not here to actually decide that with me at the moment itself, I think I should wait," Sarisa said.
"You should name her Camyla," Toria said, brushing Some of Sarisa's sweaty hair away.
"You think so?"
"Djesley told you what he thought, and something tells me you want to name her Camyla," Toria stood straight, "so I think you should."
Sarisa wiped away tears, looking from Toria to her baby, overjoyed.
"Well, say hello to little Camyla.. what is she now? Djesley and I aren't married yet... is she even a Darkerly?"
"Of course she is," Toria comforted her, "she is Camyla Darkerly."
Sarisa nodded, exhausted and happy.
"I will leave you and Camyla, with the Maester," Toria said leaving the room.
When she walked into the Great Hall she could see everyones eyes look up, curious about Sarisa and the baby.
"It's a girl," Toria said, "her name is Camyla, named after Sarisa's mother."
"So what was the whole.. Giving birth like?" Riler asked. Toria sighed exhausted.
"Terrifying," Toria said, "she actually grabbed my collar and asked me how our mother gave birth to eight of us."
Riler nodded, gladly he wasn't there. Toria sat down, next to Bran. The Great Hall was very empty and Toria enjoyed the silence.
"Have you two thought what you would name your baby?" Sansa asked Toria and Bran.
Toria wanted to answer but Bran was faster.
"If its a girl, Catelyn or Lursia," Bran said calmly, "and if it's a boy, Lurs."
Toria's eyes shot right to Bran, questioning when he decided that and also gratefull for wanting that.
Toria smiled at him, actually having her own idea's as well.
"I had an idea myself," Toria said softly.
"I know, you're thinking of naming the baby Theon because he died protecting me," Bran said, like it was normal to know everything.
"Well. Kind off," Toria shrugged, she would never get used to him knowing everything.
"But more people have died for me," Bran said and Toria's eyes shot up from the table to Bran.
"Like?" Sansa, Riler and Toria asked him.
"Hodor, Summer, Jojen, Maester Luwin," Bran said, "Leaf."
"I'm not naming my baby Leaf," Toria said refusing. That wasn't going to happen.
"And there is Meera, who didn't die but she did do a lot for me," Bran said.
"I guess we'll figure that out," Toria said as she shrugged.
"Of course," Bran said returning his attention to his food.
Toria giggled before eating. She looked up to Brienne, who didn't look so happy.
"Jaime took off I guess," she whispered in Rilers ear.
"Yeah, he left," Riler said, "but I heard Djesley might have the change to kill him, since he got himself locked up by Daenerys."
"Good," Toria whispered.

Djesley's pov:

"Your grace," Djesley said, kneveling before her, "you don't seem allright, can I help you?"
"No," Daenerys sneered.
"Allright," Djesley stood up, "I do have some news to report to you, your grace."
"What is it?"
"I found Jaime Lannister, trying to enter Kingslanding, I have him locked and guarded by the Unsullied," he said, "with your permission, could I kill him tommorrow before we take Kingslanding?"
Daenerys turned around to face him but he tried not to get disturbed by the way she looked. Her hair was messy, her eyes were hanging, the dark circles around her eyes could be seen easily. She looked exhausted, broken.
"Your grace, I am here to protect you, but I am also your friend," Djesley said softly, "I think you should try to get Some sleep, before we go to war."
"You have my persmission to execute Jaime Lannister tomorrow at dawn," Daenerys said, "now please, leave me alone."
"As you wish," Djesley bowed, "if you need me, I will come, your grace."
"Djesley," Daenerys called him before he walked out, "thank you."
"Of course, your grace," he smiled slightly and left the room.
He didn't know how to act these past time, Daenerys and burned Varys alive for treason and nobody had told him what kind of treason Varys had comitted. He was worried about Sarisa, of course Riler or Toria wouldn't let anything happen to her but he still was afraid she might get hurt. He was worried he would not be back when the baby was born and he was worried Daenerys was losing her mind. And he was sad about Lurs' death.
He bumped into Tyrion, who he used to hate just for being a Lannister, but now they had grown into friends.
Of course, hating Tyrion was easy, but having to accept that Tyrion had nothing to do with the Darkerly murder was hard and then realizing he saved his siblings from Tywin Lannister made Djesley like the guy more.
"Tyrion, you have to tell me, why did Varys get burned?" Djesley asked, Tyrion seemed a little nervous about something, though he wasn't sure what it could be. Why was everyone so secretive since they arrived here?
"He tried to overthrow queen Daenerys," Tyrion answered.
"You don't know?" Tyrion asked him confused.
"You do?" Djesley asked him confused.
"Well, thats what I do," Tyrion shrugged, "I drink and I know things."
"Perhaps you'd like to share that knowledge with me, because I'm confused," Djesley shrugged.
"Well, Jon is a Targeryen," Tyrion answered and Djesley bursted out into laughter.
"Oh, you're serious," Djesley frowned, "how can he be?"
"His mother is Lyanna Stark and his father is Rhaegar Targeryen, they got married in secret."
"What? He fucked his aunt?" Djesley shouted shocked.
"Hush," Tyrion shushed him to quiet, "he didn't know that. Besides, when Lyanna gave birth, she was dying and she gave the baby to her brother, Ned Stark to be raised as his bastard. Because if Robert would have known who Jon was, who he really was, he would have killed him."
"So, he is the heir to the Iron Throne, Varys changed loyalty's," Djesley said, "allright, thanks."
"Don't tell anyone you know that."
"How do you even know that?"
"Sansa told me, who heard it from Bran and Jon," Tyrion answered.
"Does Toria know?" He asked.
"I don't know," Tyrion said.
"She told me that Bran was a.. three- eyed.." what did she call him?, "raspberry?"
"What?" Tyrion laughed, "the three-eyed-raven."
"Yeah, that he knew everything," Djesley shrugged, "I'm going to bed now."
"Yeah, me too," Tyrion said.
"And Tyrion, I want you to hear it from me and nobody else," Djesley said before he would take off.
"What?" Tyrion asked him confused.
"I know he is your brother," Djesley said stern and cold, "but I am going to kill him tommorrow. He's still the man that murdered my family and I have permission from our queen to kill him."
Tyrion swallowed frightend, nodded and left.

I know it is a small chapter, but I actually have Some questions, which I hope you can answer since I'm like your opinion.

1- What do you think Bran and Toria should name their baby?
2- Do you think Riler should end up with Sansa eventually?
3- do you think Lurs' death was necessary?
4- What did you think of Season 8?
5- What do you think of Riler Darkerly?
6- What do you think of Djesley Darkerly?
7- How do you think Bran decides to go to Kingslanding and take the throne?
8- Would you like if I wrote some extra chapter of my characters in the future? (After season 8)

Please let me know what you think, I would like to work with your idea's on the following chapters.
Furthermore I hope you enjoyed xx

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