Tied to your Heart(Thomas)

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A/N: This is a soulmate AU, where you find your soulmate by an invisible red string
Third POV

It was a common thing to have a solemate. Some found their's by tattoos. Others found their's by only seeing one color until each other meet. There are even some that are tied by a red string. Y/N is one of them.

First POV

I made sure I had my phone before I walking outside. I was meeting up with by bestfriend, (b/f/n) at a coffee shop. (B/f/n) was lucky enough to find their soulmate(THERE, I FIXED IT!) at a young age. Heck, they've been together since middle school! If only my life was that easy.

I've been trying to find my soulmate for a long time, but I'm just never able to find the other end of the string. It's as if my solemate doesn't even exsist, and I'm following an endless road that leads to nowhere. But I gave up on finding my solemate a long time ago.

I finally make it to the coffee shop. I walk in and see (b/f/n) sitting in a booth in the back of the shop. They soon see me and wave me over. I quickly order a (f/d) and make my way over there.

We spend a few hours just talking and hanging out. They soon notice how late it is and say a quick goodbye before leaving. I decided to stay at the shop a bit longer. I order another drink and a (favorite muffin) muffin.

Not long after, I feel a sudden tug on my finger. I look down to see that my string has somehow gotten tighter. I tug back on it, just to be tugged harder!

I have a small tug-a-war with my finger, slowly loosing. People around me stare at me weirdly. I ignore them and continue to fight with my finger. Then, out of nowhere, the string gives a hard tug, sending me to run out of the shop.

The string keeps tugging, pulling me with it. I say sorry to all of the people I run into as I'm being dragged by the string. It leads me down and around a few streets, before reaching a park.

I reconize the park as the string stops tugging for a moment, but soon continus to pull, sending me to cross the busy street. Cars honk at me as I cross in front of them. I say my apologise as I am dragged to the park.

The string seems to get shorter and shorter as I make my way(downtown, walking fast... sorry)through the park. I follow the string as it leads me to a tall tree with a bench under it and....a man with his back facing me.


I slowly walk to the man, about to reveal myself. But then, he tugs on it again, causing me to fly over the bench, in front if him. I sit up on the grass, rubbing my head. 'Dang, this guy is strong' I think. "Well, thank you." The man says. I then realize that I said that part outloud.

I stand up and dust myself off, whilst the man does the same. I look down at my hand to see that the redstring connected to my finger, connects to him. I look up to meet the man's gaze. I laugh nervously.

"Well, I guess I found my soulmate." I say. The man chuckles. "Yes, it appears so." The man holds out his hand to shake it. "My name is Thomas." I happily shake his hand. "Y/N." And all this time, I was begining to lose hope after the long wait, but it was worth it.
Welp, another chapter out. I honestly didn't want to do the cliche' red string story, but I'm brainwashed from school, and I didn't have any other good ideas for this oneshot, so here you go.

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Later Creeps♡!

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