Chapter Two

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"Glad seein you make a smart choice for once

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"Glad seein you make a smart choice for once."

"I'm not a fan of cold weather so..."

Romanoff leads the three of us through the maze of the Helicarrier

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Romanoff leads the three of us through the maze of the Helicarrier. Agents gawking at us in every corridor making me feel like a caged animal. Clearly they know who the three of us are. Their gaze's lingering on me longer then I appreciate.

Upon our approach two double doors open to reveal what I can only describe as the bridge of the ship. Glancing around I slow my pace with the others. My jaw falling as I stare around the huge room. Below the level we currently stand upon sits rows of agents fiddling behind monitors, their chatter taking up a large portion of the sound in the room. Stood on an aisle separating the rows into two halves is a tall woman, her brunette hair pulled back into a tight bun as she checks systems and shouts orders. Steve took it upon himself to walk along it below us whilst I stick with Bruce, the both of us looking rather awkward and uncomfortable as we stare in awe. Resting my arms on one of the black leather seats sat at a triangular desk I gaze out the large window which holds so much blue sky.

Amongst it all I pinpoint the man always in control. Stood between the table and the steps down to the aisle. Hands clasped commandingly behind his back. Screens surround him as he orders, "Let's vanish." Seconds later he spins around to glace towards me with his one good eye, "Glad seein you make a smart choice for once."

Leaning further against the chair, I shrug, "I'm not a fan of cold weather so..."

Trailing off he seems to get the memo, nodding towards Steve and Bruce "Gentlemen."

I quirk my eyebrows when I see Steve hand him over a couple bills. The man gaining a slightly proud look which leaves me curious. When Steve walks to the lower level, the man approaches me and holds out his hand "Director Fury. I run this ship."

Grasping it in mine I give him a sweetly sarcastic smile, "You've also been trying to arrest me over five years."

Even with one eye he still manages to appear all-knowing, commenting in a low tone "I expect you to do great things when we are done." I only reward his eerie words with silence. Moving on he greets Bruce "Thank you for coming."

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