Chapter Hundred and Eleven

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"You gotta move on

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"You gotta move on...Gotta move on..."

Five Years Later

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Five Years Later.
New York admirably had been one of the best cities in the world. Not just because I have a lot of history here but because it was a world icon. A city built on young dreams and driven workers. Actually... I think a couple of buildings were built by slaves so scratch that out. My point is, I use to love it here. The vibe, the noise, the people. Walking through it now... it just feels empty. Between Tony's cabin and my apartment, it's like I'd been living in my own bubble of sadness, oblivious to the state the rest of the world has been left in.

New York no longer burns brightly. Not many cities in the world do. Many cities which'd been filled to the brim now have dust and ash clouds that hang overhead, a constant reminder of what has occurred. Sporting teams are almost non-existent since almost all the players had been dusted which has left big million dollar stadiums constantly empty. The only thing benefiting from the loss of humanity is the ecosystems. With fewer poachers out there hunting our wildlife, many species which had been dying off have been reclassified on the endangered species census. Fewer trees and habitats are being cleared because humanity no longer needs to build housing or farms to fill the demand of the ever-growing population. Less trash is in the oceans and according to scientists who released a study six months ago global warming has come to almost a complete halt due to less greenhouse gas emissions warming our atmosphere.

Saving our environment is literally the only good thing to have come from this nightmare.

Strolling down the street I find the center Steve has been telling me about easily. He's picked up the councilor role of a group session in a community building in a feeble attempt to still help. Part of me wonders if it has something to do with his own guilt. I haven't come out and asked in a while because when I do he strategically changes the conversation, but I can't help think the group sessions are a way for him to cope too. I can see Steve trying to move on, truly I can, but I can also see him struggling to do so. We all still are.

My chunky boots thud as I mount the wide marble steps and quietly push the large double door opens to the public center. Entering the clean halls I feel almost eerie walking down them. Like an axe murderer is going to jump out at any moment or the child from the shining is going to round the corner with her freaky contorted body. I know I've faced down worse but still, some horror movies are based off true events. Besides... I've seen the Facebook videos. I tried showing one to Natasha a couple of years back and she just rolled her eyes and told me I have an overactive imagination. Which she is right about. I just told her that's why I'm so damn fun.

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