Chapter Hundred and Twenty

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"Your Glock is showing."

"How did you know that was in my bag?"

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"How did you know that was in my bag?"

"How did you know that was in my bag?"

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"I didn't. You just told me."


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Mexico, 2006

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Mexico, 2006.
Curling a sweat ring from my glass of ice bourbon into a napkin, I drag my hand through my long dark hair. Today the weather in the city of San Cristobal De Las Casas is even a little too much for me. Apparently mother nature decided to burn down at 107 Fahrenheit. Don't get me wrong I love summer and all the heat it brings... but this is ridiculous. I'm a human on Earth not a pizza in an oven. Since everyone else in the bar is sweating as much as I am the fan in the business is running in an attempt to cool the place down has done nothing but blow around the horrible stench. Yet I had nothing else to do today and this was the closest place I could go for a drink. Call it lazy but I didn't want to waste petrol driving around.

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