Chapter Seventy Nine

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"People who try to invade Earth with a bunch of aliens don't get answers

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"People who try to invade Earth with a bunch of aliens don't get answers."

"You got meaner."

Jumping from my portal I gracefully hit the pavement

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Jumping from my portal I gracefully hit the pavement. Shrugging off the scared and judgy looks of pedestrian's I twirl on my foot, immediately spotting Thor. Despite his pedestrian clothing he doesn't exactly blend in. What does surprise me however is seeing Loki stood by his side, both brothers watching me in awe with polar opposite expressions. "That's new", Loki intriguingly mentions with a high brow as Thor bustles past him eagerly.

"Lady Adeline of Midgard!" Thor excitedly booms, wrapping his arms around me to spin me around.

Smiling I ask Thor as he places me back down "Is that overly necessary every time I see you?"

His hands on my shoulder, Thor tells me fondly "It's been years old friend. I only wish I was here under better terms."

"What?" I question him, sending Loki a curious glance as I look his dark black on black suit up and down skeptically "Your brother leading another alien army to take over our planet?"

Visibly cringing, Loki plasters a tight smile on his face "Right. Apologies for that."

Rolling my eyes I peer back over to Thor, wondering "Where's Mjolnir?" Peering around as if it's a secret, Thor holds up the black umbrella in his grasp. Pursing my lips I tilt my head off centre, "Ah...Seems about right."

"As fantastic as it is to see you, Adeline, I've come in search of my father", Thor informs me as I we wander back over towards a demolition site "It appears my brother has been playing a game with his death."

"Death?" I intriguingly folding my arms over my chest.

"It's a long story", Loki assures me poking condescendingly at my temple "Too complicated for your primitive mind to comprehend."

Smacking his hand away I return my curious gaze to Thor. Tugging his cargo jacket tighter around his body, Thor explains "Loki's been posing as our father after he sent him off to this... retirement village."

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