Chapter Twenty Five

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 "You did hear me say Fort Meade? Three guarded gates? Twelve-inch steel wall? That place was built ahead of the curve

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"You did hear me say Fort Meade? Three guarded gates? Twelve-inch steel wall? That place was built ahead of the curve."

"So? I was born ahead of the curve."

Speeding down the highway I lean my head against the passenger windshield, my thoughts running over Zola's words which had obviously been aimed towards Howard and Fury

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Speeding down the highway I lean my head against the passenger windshield, my thoughts running over Zola's words which had obviously been aimed towards Howard and Fury. Accidents will happen. Tony's parent's car crash wasn't an accident. SHIELD or HYDRA -or whatever- had interfered. Threats they needed to scratch off a list. Part of me is wondering if telling Tony is the right call. It's been years upon years and I can't help but wonder if maybe he's made peace with their deaths. Why should I be the one to slice open that old scar?

"Preachers daughter huh?" Furrowing my eyebrows I tilt my head to glance at Steve. Where the hell that came from? Noticing the questionable look I'm giving him, Steve adds "Read it in your file last year."

"We all have events that make us the way we are. Some are good and some not so much. I mean they super-juiced you in the '40s and stuck you and your super-soldier self in a red, white and blue onesie." When Steve remains quiet, I drag my hand through the rubble coating my head and sweat. Well... he brought it up... "My father brought in ten preachers when I vanished in the center of my middle school cafeteria."

Giving me a double look, Steve pries "Why?"

"Parents thought I was possessed. My younger sister didn't know any different", I shrug casually "They believed I was possessed by the devil or some demon from hell so they strapped me to my bed for three weeks as priest after priest rolled through the house. When no exorcisms or water flicking made any difference after weeks they gave up and threw me out of their home, pleading with the demon in me to stay away from the rest of their family."

Silence stretches in the car, "I can't imagine being sent away at such a young age." Taking a left onto the Washington freeway, Steve empathises "I lost both my parents when I was young and that was harrowing enough. To be forced away..." Trailing off Steve shakes his head as though he is unable to wrap his head around the concept of forcing a child from their home and family.

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