Chapter Thirty One

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"You're a strong woman Adeline

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"You're a strong woman Adeline. You'll move past it in time."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you've got me to force you out the other side"

I lost track of how many hours I'd been beating the crap out of a punching bag in Tony's gym

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I lost track of how many hours I'd been beating the crap out of a punching bag in Tony's gym. Wrists beginning to feel sore I tear the gloves off and roll around my joints. Heading for my bedroom to take a shower. After the conversation I had with Tony and how much light has been shed on me... my head is spinning. I thought this entire time, my entire life, I'd been born this way. Like God had gotten bored with his human race and decided to give me this ability. Kind of like placing a fox in a hen house to see what destruction could be caused. No matter how many punches I threw at the bag one word continues to echo through my mind.


Since I was not larger than an apple I'd been an experiment. My parents offered me up to be tested on without a second thought. So much for a parents love. Then again, I lost my parents love a long time ago so what should I care. I'd gotten this far on my own why stop to dwell on it now?

Showering I shove the entire conversation to the back of my mind, not sparing the file on my dresser a glance. Once I'm back on the run I'll take a further look into it. Right now I just want to spend time with Tony and Bruce before I have to go back on the run, especially Tony. Without it being perfectly clear about when I might have my name cleared I'm settling on forever.

Heaving open the heavy bedroom door I stroll out into the open space to see Bruce and Tony in my kitchen, chattering amongst themselves. "You nerds know there is a tradition in this country of ours called knocking", I pad over to the kitchen. Stood on the opposite side of the island I remark "I'll demonstrate." Closing my fist I tap it slowly on the stone bench top, "You genius's follow?"

Holding onto his scotch glass, Tony stares at me placidly before nodding across the room "How about I throw you from that window without dinner we cooked especially for you instead?"

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