Chapter Ninety Eight

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 "Whatever you guys said to her

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"Whatever you guys said to her... I think you pissed her off."

After briefly relishing at the moment Bucky and I return back to the palace hallway

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After briefly relishing at the moment Bucky and I return back to the palace hallway. Bucky diverts when we reach the elevators, telling me that he'd sprinted down from the roof where he'd been on the lookout with Sam and Rhodey when Steve sent someone to inform him of my panic attack. My gaze trails after Bucky as he wanders off. I don't let it fall until he's disappeared down the large modern corridor. Despite him being out of sight I can't wipe the smile which has curled its way into my lips, knowing the small bit of joy Bucky's brought me won't last long when reality of what is going down seeps back in.

Taking the earpiece from a guard on my way back up to Shuri's lab I tuck it naturally into my ear. The elevator slides open with a ding. My boots thud against the white lab tiles and nobody stares when I come in. They only offer me small warm welcoming smiles. I'm thankful nobody brings up my panic attack or Tony for that matter. I can't think of either right now. All I can do is focus on getting that Stone from Vision's head and destroying it before Thanos can get his grubby paws on it. Everything else comes second to that.

Vision laud out on the table I find my place comfortably beside Steve, observing silently as Shuri scans the Mind Stone. "Twenty minutes with Bucky and you've gone from crying in a panic to grinning like the fox who got into the hen house" Steve comments when I remain silent. Peering up to him, Steve nods down to me curiously "How'd he do it?"

The smile remaining on my face I nonchalantly shrug, "I don't understand what you mean." My knowing look remains on Steve for a second longer, his blonde head shaking at the idea he doesn't get to know.

Having finished analysing the Mind Stone, Shuri rotates her wrist. One of the beads on her bracelets activates and above her hand releases a hologram of the Stone's make up. Keen to get closer Bruce and Shuri awe over what they're seeing. "The structure is polymorphic", Shuri deduces within seconds.

"Right", Bruce eagerly nods along "We had to attach each neuron consequentially."

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Shrui wonders curiously aloud.

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