Chapter Fifty Three

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"Just remember that the Maximoff's are only kids with new power

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"Just remember that the Maximoff's are only kids with new power. They don't know this world like you or I."

"I'll take Clint, Natasha, and Addie", Steve informs Tony as I bound downstairs

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"I'll take Clint, Natasha, and Addie", Steve informs Tony as I bound downstairs. Suited up and gearing to go.

"Alright", Tony agrees as we head for the door "Strictly recon. I'll hit the Nexus. Join you guys as soon as I can."

"If Ultron is really building a body..."

"He's going to be more powerful than any of us", I finish for Steve spinning on my heel to face both men "We have to play this smart."

"Maybe more so than all of us", Tony shrugs at my remark "An android designed by a robot."

Huffing, Steve chuckles "You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me."

"I'll drop Banner off at the tower" Fury informs us curtly, shrugging on his leather coat as he walks past us in the hallway "Do you mind if I borrow Miss Hill?"

"She's all yours", Tony tells Fury, muttering "Apparently."

Despite the hard look Fury give to Tony, I ask the Director "What are you planning to do?"

Glancing over to me Fury shakes his head, "Something dramatic... I hope." Heading for the door I say a quick goodbye to Bruce before Fury spins around in the doorway "Hey Adeline!" Glancing over to Fury I raise my eyebrow, wondering what he could want. Pointing over to me, a smirk falls onto Fury's lips "Nice new ability."

Smirking, I wonder "How'd you know?"

"Eyes and ears Addie!" Fury calls conspicuously over his shoulder leaving the house "Eyes and ears!"

Steve, Natasha, and Clint all breeze past me I wait patiently before pulling Tony into a brief hug. "Be safe Addie", Tony wishes me before mentioning "Just remember if you run into the Maximoff's that they are just kids."

"Tony", I groan leaning away only to have both his hands remain on my shoulders.

Staring intently at me, Tony explains "Do you remember what it was like when you first got your abilities? How you went with that man in the hope to control it?" Taking my stubborn silence as a cue, Tony drops his hands "Just remember that the Maximoff's are only kids with new power. They don't know this world."

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