Chapter 1 (37) - What A Demon Wants

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You woke up at the smell of food and Bill's finger snapping. You recalled what happened after you lied on the bed. Your eyes widened and narrowed, "You little stupid demon..."

"Woah, woah, woah. We don't need that now do we?" you heard the said demon teased.

"Depends, do you want an early grave?" you asked back.

You heard Bill chuckle and footsteps walking up the stairs to where you are, "Come on down sleeping beauty. I made you some dinner."

"Don't call me that. You were the one who made me sleep. You're that witch." you hissed as you got off the bed.

"I'm a dream demon, and I prefer it that way." Bill said as he floated down. "Besides, they are such weaklings that they can't even compare to a demon."

"So they do exist?" you asked, then you facepalmed. "Of course they exist, even demons exist..."

"You're so smart. Even for a human." Bill gave you a closed eye smile.

You rolled your eyes, once you arrived at the bottom of the staircase, the room was totally different. It was a dining room.

"What happened to my treehouse?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" you screamed at the demon.

"Huh?" Bill turned to you, "Oh this? Don't worry, I'll change it back once dinner is done."

"You better." you mumbled.

There was a table in the centre of the room, a red carpet leading to the chair. The chair was like a throw, one on each side of the table. There was a gold one and a crystal one, you guessed the gold one was for Bill.

"M'lady." Bill said as he leads you to the crystal chair. He pulled the chair out for you to sit first which you did. Then he sat down himself.

You looked down at the table, there were two dishes with a glass cup along with the utensils.

"May I introduce, the main dish, Soupe à l'oignon. A traditional French soup made of onions and beef stock served with croutons and melted cheese on top. For dessert, we have Chocolate soufflé, a crispy chocolate crust with an oozing, creamy chocolate centre. All made by yours truly." Bill placed a hand over his 'heart' with a smirk. "Bon appetit."

(Image above)

"Bon appetit." you repeated. You stared at your food, "It looks fine but how does it even taste? This is made by a demon for crying out loud."

Bill stopped the food just midway to his mouth and pointed it at you, "I can have you know I didn't put anything uneatable in there. I may be a demon, but I know what I'm doing." Bill took a spoon full of the soup.

"If you say so," you scooped up a spoon of soup. "Besides, even if you did put poison in this, it wouldn't affect me." you drank the soup and ate the beef.

Your eyes widened, you looked at Bill then the bowl of soup.

"What? You don't like it? Too cheesy?" Bill questioned.

"I don't like it..."

You saw the spark from Bill's eye fading away, his head looking down at the table and him stopped eating his food.

"Because I love it." you finally said.

Bill's head immediately looked up and straight at you, his eye filled with joy. "Really? You mean that?"

"Of course I mean that." you laughed. "What else would I mean?"

"I thought you really didn't like it."

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now