Chapter 12 (48) - A Roommate

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"What do we do?!" Mabel also panicked.

"Aw, man. I was so spellbound by your dramatic tale I forgot all about those dudes." Soos said.

"Dipper!" you turned to Dipper. "The memory gun."

"That's it!" Dipper said and took out the memory erasing gun and gave it to Ford.

"Of course! I don't know how you got a hold of one of these but, this is perfect! If I can just amplify the signal to a radio headset frequency..." Ford said and took it, then plugging wires to it. "There. Now everyone PLUG YOUR EARS! GET DOWN! NOW!"

You did as told, all of you did.

Ford was the first to stand back up and went to the porch, grabbing pieces of paper that he could find, which were Mabel's drawing.

"Stand down, gentlemen! I've been sent with the latest intel from Washington." Ford said firmly and started to flip through the papers, each were Mabel's silly drawings. "According to this very real report, the power surges in Gravity Falls were actually due to radiation from an unreported meteor shower. A total embarrassment for your whole department. Luckily I'm here to take this mess off your hands, but I'll need of all your... floppy disks, and 8-tracks...right?"

"Uh, everything about this case is contained on this drive." agent Powers said and gave Ford the USB.

"Well, what are you waiting for, a kiss on the cheek? Get out of here before I have your butts court-martialed!" Ford shouted at the agent after taking the drive.

"Uhh, yes sir. Apologies, sir." agent Powers said then whistled, "False alarm, everyone!"

All the agent went into their cars and drove off, Ford smiled at his well done work. He gave the goat the drive which it ate the drive and ran away.

"Great uncle Stanford, that was amazing!" Mabel cheered.

"Let's not go crazy; it was serviceable." Stan clearly wasn't happy with Ford shining.

"Thank you, kids, but please, call me Ford." Ford chuckled.

"Sure! Thanks, Great Uncle Ford. So, uh," Dipper asked, holding a pen and notepad in hands, then continuously clicks pen excitedly. "Would you mind if I ask you a couple billion questions about Gravity Falls?"

"Dipper." you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Um, well I-uh..." Ford was also lost for words.

"All right, kids, it's been a long day and me and my brother have a lot to talk about. Why don't you hit the hay, huh?" Stan pointed at the shack.

"But, it's the author!" Dipper said and clicks his pen faster. "I've been waiting so long to ask questions about-"

Before Dipper could continue, Stan grab Dipper and Mabel by the head and pushed them into the shack saying, "I said. Hit. The hay!"

"I'll just... let myself out." Soos said and walked away.

Now It was just Stan, Ford and you.

"Do you want me to make you go too kid?" Stan asked.

"No, I can walk on my own." you said and went back to your room.

You sat alone in your room, you were still thinking of the events that happened today.You laid down, your hands behind your head.

"What's with this family... I have a bad feeling about Ford, he's smart. He might figure out that I'm an assassin... What if he does? What do I do then? If the twins find out then would they be...afraid of me?" you thought.

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