Chapter 36 (72) - My Mistake

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Song: House of Memories

Artist(s): Panic! At The Disco


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! (Y/N)!" you heard familiar voices shouting for you.

You moved your head side to side, "Five more minutes..."

"(Y/N), we don't have that time!" Ford shouted.

"Got it, Ford... wait," you mumbled, then shot up. "Ford! You're okay!"

Ford smiled at you, he got up as well. You smiled and looked down in shame. "(Y/N), it's not your fault." Ford smiled again, knowing your thoughts. "You were just trying to protect us, Bill used that to his advantage, that's all."

You nodded, Ford went back to his group while you went to the entrance. A hand at the wall, you stared out, spotting Bill doing battle with an odd-looking robot. "Bill, you hear me?"

"My Queen, you're awake! I hear you, loud and clear." Bill's voice echoed in your mind. Though his eye never met your's you know he's force did shift by the way he battled, he blocked the attack rather than launching one to counter it.

You looked back to Ford, drawing a weird painting on the floor with a can of spray. "The Cipher Wheel," you said softly. Bill had taught you a lot during your days in his castle, watching his friends' party was getting boring anyway and Bill wanted some alone time with you.

Dipper → Pine Tree

Mabel → Shooting Star

Robbie → Broken Heart

Gideon → Eye with an eye

You hummed as Bill finally found the robot's weak points, how did it take him so long?

McGunket → Glasses

Pacifica → Llama

Ford → Six-fingered hand

"Ice? Who's ice?" Dipper asked in a panic.

Ford looked down, putting on a thinking face. "(Y/N)!"

"Right, it must be (Y/N)." McGunket agreed, "(She/He)'s always so cool."

"I agree, even cooler than me actually," Wendy added.

Everyone turned to you while your back was still turned to them. They beckoned you to join the circle with them, you looked back at them, noting that blue aura around them and the wind blowing. You nodded and stood on your symbol - Ice.

(Y/N) → Ice

There was one left, the Fez, it was obvious that it would go to Stanley. However, Stan refused to stand with them until Ford thanks him for saving him from his portal. Ford did but ended up in an argument, the circle was broken when they fought. Dipper and Mabel each tried to break it up in order to have the circle rejoined again.

While you stayed silent, watching the scene unfold. "Oh, Ice Queen. Look at how many chances I gave them to have me gone." Bill's voice said again, you noticed his shadow on the ground. 

"Guys!" you called out. They turned to you, you pointed at the new arrival.

"Oh no, it's Bill! Right? Isn't that what you're all thinking? Hey, Gideon, why aren't you dancing? Chop chop, huh?" Bill said, twirling the pole in his hand. He then laughed. "Haha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands?"

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