Chapter 20 (56) - Right Choice or Wrong

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Song Information:

Song: My Demons

Artist: Starset


You walked out of the shack with high speed, not stopping for anything, only moving from side to side to avoid the trees. "Dipper doesn't trust me? He was fine just a moment ago! Who am I kidding of course he won't trust me for hiding something like that to him."

You came to your treehouse, you looked up at it. "Wonder if Bill is there or not." you said out loud without an intention. You did see colour after you said that so you assumed Bill isn't here.

You walked up the stairs with your eyes closed, your hands in your hoodie pocket. Once reaching the last step you took out your key and unlocked the door, then entering your house and locking the door behind you.

The room still has it's colours, you walked in front of the chair Bill favors. "You know, it's not nice to spy on people right?"

A chuckle was heard about the room was once again in gray-scale, due to a certain demon's doing. "Aw, did you miss me? Admit it you missed me."

You turned around and saw Bill in human form, smirking down at you. You raised an eyebrow as if asking what was on his mind or why was he smirking.

"I warned you, didn't I." Bill finally said, his smirk slowly disappearing as he spoke. "But did you listen? No. No you didn't."

"Are you talking about the whole secret letting out thing?" you asked, confusion written all over your face. You were putting on a brave poker face to hide your sadness to Dipper's thoughts, but Bill saw right through it.

"No, I mean you running away suddenly." Bill said, then turned bright red, anger. "Of course I'm talking about the whole secret being out! Do I look like I'm talking about something else?"

"Maybe," you joked. "I would never be able to know what you are thinking."

Bill took deep breaths and calmed down, slowly but surely. "So, what do you want to do now?"

You looked away, at the window, staring outside. "I don't know anymore."

Bill's angered expression changed to one of concern, he stared at your eyes. Changing from life to dull and lifeless, it was slow but he could see it. You were taken back by what Dipper thought about you, you were the one who allowed Ford to tell them, so was it your fault?

You walked to the second door, the one that goes to the porch. You opened it and before you went out you said to Bill without turning your head, "I want some time, alone." And you went out to the porch, closing the door behind you.

You leaned on the railing, staring out into the forest. "What's happening to me? Is what Illumi said true? Can assassins really not make friends?" These questions repeated inside your head, but you could never answer them.

"What should I do now? They know I'm an assassin, Dipper is the only one who doesn't trust me, Ford and Mabel still does. Should I ignore what Dipper said and continue my days on with them? Or should I just leave them alone and never see them again? Oh why is this so hard!" you screamed yourself, holding your head as if in pain.

You stopped and stared at the forest. "But then again, this is all happening because I let it. No one is to blame but me, Dipper wouldn't wanted a killer for a friend, he would never even dreamed of it in the first place."

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now