Special Chapter #1 (7) - The Baby Demon (2)

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"When are you going to turn back to normal?"


"Yes, normal." you asked irritatedly.

Bill only giggled and laughed as his little hands hugged his top hat, you raised an eyebrow, baby Bill was way more annoying than the normal one. You sighed.

It has been a full week after Bill was turned into a baby, it turns out that when he's a baby, his powers are also limited, meaning he isn't 'all-powerful' anymore, not sure about the 'all-knowing' part though.

Dipper has been working on a way to change Bill back but thing is, HE HASN'T EVEN FOUND THAT CRYSTAL CAVE YET! And Bill hasn't been giving much help on telling us where it is, either he can't remember or he's just playing dumb. Or he wants to have some more fun.

Another thing is, each time you walk away without telling him or letting him know, he cries. Great isn't it.

"Alright." you said with a sigh, you stared at the baby Bill sitting on your couch in your room. "How about going for a walk in the forest?"

"Walk! Walk!" Bill cheered, letting go of his top hat and it floated back on top of his head. You stared in fascination at the floating top hat.

"I got to remember to try that when he's turned back to his usual self." you told yourself, making a mental note of doing that in a later date.

You walked up to Bill and held him in your arms, you began to walk out of the shack and to the forest. As you walked, you began to come across very familiar places, you pointed at a clearing in the forest.

"Remember this place?" you asked as you walk into the area. Bill looked around then floated out of your arms, and floated in the center of the clearing. He then made daggers appear around his floating form, particularly your daggers. "I take it you do then."

Bill laughed and clapped, the daggers solidifying. Then floated into your pocket, you smiled and thanked Bill for the sudden gift. Bill giggled again and floated back to your arms, cuddling adorably as if he was a human baby.

You continued your path until you stopped and look at Bill, "Do you mind if we continue our walk in the trees?"

Bill clapped as he giggled, obviously happy with the idea you suggested. You nodded and hopped onto one of the lower branches, then onto a higher one and the process goes on until you were high enough to hop to other trees.

You hopped from branch to branch, tree to tree. Sparing a glance at Bill ever moment or so, just to make sure you didn't drop him or if he was getting sick. Turns out he was enjoying the time of his life, a smile was on his face, his arm high up in the air, not afraid of falling.

You came across a building, you jumped to the porch of it and placed Bill on the railing. "Do you know where we are now?"

Bill responded by pointing at the chain around your neck, you looked down and understood. You took out the necklace piece, which was a chain. "That's right, it's a gift from you, Bill."

You turned around and unlock the door, "My very own treehouse. Something I wanted for a long time."

After unlocking the door, you entered the house with Bill floating in after you. You sat down on one of the steps, while Bill. you guessed it, sat on his white chair.

You let out a chuckle, "Even when you're reversed to a baby form, you still prefer that chair." Bill gave you a thumbs up while you rolled your eyes playfully.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" you heard a very very familiar high pitched voice called out to you from outside the treehouse. "(Y/N)! Where are you!"

You turned to the door then at Bill, who to your surprised was not happy to hear that voice. You giggled and handed to the door, only to be blocked by a floated upset baby dream demon. You smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Oh come on, Bill. What if it has to do with turning you back?"

Bill shook his head. No then.

"Think about it, if you turn back, you would get all your powers back." you sang.

Bill looked down for a moment, then shook his head.

"Never mind, just move aside." you forcefully shove Bill aside and walked out to the porch. You spotted Dipper and Mabel on the forest grounds nearby and called out to them, "Dipper! Mabel! Up here."

"Huh?" you heard the two of them then they proceeded to turn their heads and bodies to your direction. "Ohhh..."

"(Y/N), nice house you got!" Mabel shouted then ran towards the stairs. Before she got a chance to step on the stairs, she was forced back. "What the? Huh?"

You then noticed Bill floating next to you, his right hand surrounded with a blue aura. You then realized that Bill was not allowing Dipper or Mabel on coming up to you, if they can't get to you, then you would just have to go to them.

"No worries, I'm coming down." you said as you walked down, dragging Bill down with you. Since his magic is limited, you could easily drag him down with you. "So what did you find?"

"Good news is Bill could be changed back to his former self." Mabel smiled.

"And what's the bad news?" you crossed your arms.

Dipper started scratching the back of his head, "The bad news is, Bill would have to... I mean you have to... k-i-s-s him."

"WHAT!?" You screamed in their faces.

Bill was clapping and sitting on top of Dipper's head.

"What the hell do I need to k- k- k-"

"Kiss?" Mabel helped.

"Yes! That. Why do I need to do that to Bill?" you asked in rage.

Dipper stepped back, "Okay look, to revert Bill back to his normal self. He needs to be under the red crystal's light, and also a kiss from a loved one."

"So the only person fit for that would be you, (Y/N)." Mabel smiled.

You stepped back, your eye twitching. "No... way..."


"Let's get this over with." you said with your eyes half closed. You placed Bill under the light and stared at him with annoyance. "I know you're enjoying this."

Bill smiled innocently and giggled.

You kneeled down and looked into his one eye. "I seriously don't want this."

"Come on, my Snowflake. You know you want to."

You immediately stood up, recognizing the voice. You chuckled and stepped back, "We've all been played."

"What do you mean (Y/N)?" Dipper asked.

"Let me show you." you smirked and said softly. "I'm going to enjoy this."

-After 5 minutes of firing your weapons at Bill-

"As you can see, Bill has always been able to use his full power and have the ability to turn back to normal. However, the reason for not doing that was to enjoying playing us, particularly, me." you explained.

"Excellent problem solving, my dear Ice Queen." Bill who is back to his normal self said, putting an arm on your shoulders. "I must say, it was quite entertaining and enjoyable to have you all to myself and sending Pine Tree and Shooting Star on that wild goose chase."

Dipper and Mabel were angry, you noticed and shot daggers at Bill, pinning him to the cave walls. You then proceeded on handing them five daggers each and said with a smirk, "Hit him with your best shot. Remember, each dagger counts."

The two of them smirked and stepped forward.

"Aw, come on. Ice Queen, don't be that cold to me." Bill pleaded. "Ice Queen!"

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now