Chapter 35 (71) - Surely You Seen This Coming

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Song: Bad Guy

Artist(s): Billie Eilish


"Why. Why (Y/N) are you of all people on his side?" Ford asked, feeling betrayed by you. He was slowly backing away, the chains moved with him.

"I was never of any sides in the first place, I do whatever I please now. My goal here is to protect those I love, and I'm serious about it, I will do anything in my power to achieve that. Even making a deal with the devil himself." you stated seriously, Bill's hold on you tightened.

Bill chuckled, "Oh, poor Fordsy. Losing a very very powerful ally against your dangerous demon enemy, you know, the offer still stands."

"I'll die before I join you." Ford glared at Bill, then turned to you. "Please (Y/N), I know you were in a tight spot before. But now that I know for sure Bill won't kill me, you can break off the deal and-"

"No dice, Ford." you stopped him.

Bill smirked, "Ohh~"

"If you don't like your deals broken, you shouldn't break them yourself." you reasoned.

"Yes... and about that, Ice Queen." Bill's voice turned cold and evil, his hold on you was released as you didn't felt him near you.

Your eyebrow furrowed, eyes darting from side to side to figure out where Bill was since he is a demon and you were only trained to detect a human's presence, it was hard to know where Bill is. Plus he has a lot more power now than he does before, so he might as well be toying with your judgment.

Suddenly, neon blue chains came at you out of nowhere. Rapping themselves around your body, you tried breaking free but they only tightened, it was useless to struggle unless you wanted to get strangled to death. You heard Ford's worried shouts for you, but you were pretty tied up at the moment to respond.

Fingers were placed under your chin as you were forced to look up at the demon, you glared at him in the eye. Noticing that you were in mid-air and a neon blue aura was surrounding your form, the chains stopped you from any form of attack.

"My dear, surely you saw this coming." Bill faked a frown, then grinned insanely. "There is no way I would pass up the opportunity of setting myself free from this cursed place."

"Oh, believe the thought did cross my mind. I thought you would be better than that." you spatted. "And I believe it was foolish of me to believe you of all people are capable of being good."

"Ouch! That kind of hurt." Bill placed a hand over his 'heart', then smirked. "Though, coming from a world-renown assassin. That meant nothing, as noble as it sounds."

"And you're forgetting you're a demon taking over my world."

"Time to get on with business." Bill grabbed you by the neck tightly, your left eye squeezed shut. Your vision was getting blurry, black dots appeared, you feel his hold tighten even more. Your mouth opened widely to get air. "L dp vr vruub derxw wklv, pb Txhhq. L kxuwv ph pruh wkdq lw kxuwv brx, wuxvw ph."

Your eyes opened, staring into his blue one. You smiled a little then your eyes closed after catching a glimpse of Bill's warm apologetic smile again.

Ford watched in horror as you stopped your struggling, Bill smirked then his form disappeared. Your body fell to the ground, but Ford caught you. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! Please! (Y/N)!"

"Aw, no need to worry about my Ice Queen. But (she/he)'s not in right now, please leave a message after the beep sound is heard. BEEP." your eyes opened, only they aren't (eye colour), but yellow with slits. You smirked, "Thanks for caring about me."

"Bill!" Ford moved your body away from him. "Get out of (Y/N)'s body right now!"

"And why should I? Last I checked, you weren't the boss of me. Besides, (Y/N) made that deal of being on my side. My side, my property. So I get to do whatever I want." Bill taunted in your voice, it turned echoey and demonic. He moved around in your body, getting the feel of things. "Woah there... (Y/N)'s body is way better than Pine Tree's. So much better..."

Ford rushed to you but was pulled back, Bill floated off the ground and back a little so Ford wouldn't get to come near him or you. Ford shouted in anger, "Get out of (Y/N)'s body you demon!"

"Nah. Also, that is going to get repetitive. Let's move things along shall we?" you or rather, Bill smirked, snapping your fingers. Neon blue chains grabbed on to Ford's other leg and neck, bringing him up to your eye level. "You want to do this the hard way, or the harder way."

"Never. Will I help someone as cruel as you, Bill." Ford hissed and kept his ground.

Bill grinned, "You're making this so much harder than it needs to be. Everyone has a weakness, tough guy! I'll make you talk! It's only a matter of time."


"No! No! NOO!" Ford's screams echoed through the room, Bill's friends laughed along as Ford cried out in pain. "Argg.."

Bill zapped Ford again, then paused letting Ford take a breather. "Ready to talk now?"

"I won't. I won't let you into my mind. Or tell you." Ford said, gasping for air.

"What do you think, pals? Another 500 volts?" Bill asked his friends and they cheered, though he was obviously in your body, they were able to still follow Bill. "Hey, do you hear that?"

Just then the triangle door got broken down, the head of a t-rex was seen at the entrance. "What?! I just fixed that door!" Bill cried in anger as the robot came in full view. The Mystery Shack stood as the base operation of the robot, the T-rex head as one of the hands and to put it simply, the robot design is just weird.

"It's the Shacktron, dude!" Soos declared, holding a flag by the pole with Larry's head on top.

"They made the house into a robot. Fascinating!" Wax Larry King exclaimed.

You (Bill) raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "So the mortals are trying to fight back, huh? Adorable! Henchmaniacs, you know what to do! Take them out!" you (Bill) snapped your fingers at Bill's friends. They grew in size and rushed out.

You (Bill) touched the key necklace, whispering softly. "Pb Txhhq, brxu iulhqgv duh jhwwlqj zhlughu dqg zhlughu."

"What did you just say?" Ford asked behind you/Bill.

"None of your concern, old man." Bill hissed.

The two continued watching as the robot continuously beat up all of Bill's friends, Ford couldn't help of snicker at each victory, Bill was slowly growing in anger.

"Guys, seriously? You had, like, one job to do here." Bill yelled at his (useless) friends.

Meanwhile, Ford cheered at the accomplishment. "Bravo, Dipper and Mabel!"

A thought struck Bill, he smirked and turned around. "Well, would you look at that. Those kids really care about you. And you care about them. Don't you?"

"What are you... Oh.." Ford asked but then realized what Bill meant. "Oh no."

Bill came out of your body as you started falling to the ground but Bill caught you, placed you on the other arm of the throne, on your specially made throne. Bill turned to Ford, "Oh yes. Perhaps torturing those kids will make you talk. "

"No. No! Not the kids! You ca-" Ford protested but Bill snapped his fingers and Ford turned back to gold.

"Let's get this over with." Bill sighed, and went out in his triangle form, but turned to see you one more glance before going out. Bill raised his giant fist in the air, fixed his bow and hit onto the shack without hesitation and much force, creating a crater. "WHAT?!"

Author's Note: What do you think of this chapter? Too much?




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