Chapter 8 (44) - Stan Is Innocent!

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"Kids, there's something I, uh, something I should tell you. It's um. Well it's complicated. I..." Stan said, you could see him sweat. You waited for him to continue.

"I'm gonna go refresh my soda." Stan said, then left and went to the woods.

"Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" you screamed mentally while holding your head in your hands. "And just when I thought he would confess!"

You were brought back to reality when you heard Stan grunt. You gave out a confused face. You heard several helicopters few around the shack.

You stayed close to the twins, you could see their confused faces. You kept a firm face, glaring at the masked agents that surround the three of you and the shack.

"Kids are secure. Roof team! Go!" one of the agents said into the walkie-talkie.

"Clear!" you heard a few agents said from inside the shack.

"Pig secure! We have secured a pig!" you also heard one of the agents shouted.

"Seriously..." you gave a dumbfounded face.

"What are you agents doing here!" you shouted at them but none of them replied back. "How rude."

There were agents wrapping a yellow police caution-tape around the Shack. As well as several police cars are parked around the shack. You then saw an agent leading Stan in handcuffs to one of the government cars.

"Ugh! Hey, hands off, you stooge!" Stan shouted furiously at the agent who was leading him.

"What did he do now?"

The agent placed Stan's side of his face to the car, "Aah! I don't understand! What did I do that warrants this much arresting?"

You saw two agents walking up to you three, agents Powers and agent Trigger.

"The government guys? I thought you got eaten by zombies!" Dipper said, he was in disbelief.

"They must have had some sort of armor." you stated, glaring at them.

"This must be what they might last night..." you thought remembering your spying.

"We survived. Barely." agent Triggers said.

"I used Trigger as a human shield. He cried like a baby." agent Powers pointed at his partner.

"What? Hey! Not in front of the special-ops guys!" agent Triggers whispered and yelled.

"Why are you here now then? And also arresting Stan no less." you asked, you were scared but Mabel was holding or squeezing your arm as you asked.

Agent Powers hold up a digital tablet in front of the three of you saying, "This is security footage of a government waste facility."

As seen, there was a footage of a person in a radiation suit stealing barrels from the room. You looked back at agent Powers to let him continue.

"At o'four hundred hours last night someone robbed three hundred gallons of dangerous waste." agent Powers said confidently.

"What? You think that's me?" Stan asked.

"Don't play dumb with us, Pines." agent Powers pointed.

"You don't have any evidence that that person in the suit is Stan." you yelled at the agent. "The footage doesn't show the person's face."

"She's right! Last night I was stocking the gift shop. I swear!" Stan shouted in his defence, as he was led away into a car.

"Wait! Grunkle Stan! You've got the wrong guy! Our Grunkle Stan might shoplift the occasional tangerine, but he's not some evil super villain!" Mabel pleaded, she was still holding on to your arm.

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