Chapter 37 (73) - What I Truly Want

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Song: Game of Life

Artist(s): JubyPhonic


Fire burn within your eyes, you brought your staff out, hitting the prison walls with force. You growled with every hit, tears flowing down your cheek, you screamed and cursed at the failed attempts. "Come on! Why won't you break!"

"(Y/N), that's not going to work." Ford tried reasoning with you. Stan was still shocked at what you were capable of, he never knew of your dark secret, but you didn't care about that at all at the moment. All you care was getting the twins back safe and sound.

"No! It has to!" you continued hitting the prison.


You gasped as your eyes widened, you can't believe it. 

Your staff....... Broke. 

You fell to your knees, father said nothing in this world can stand your staff but wait, Bill is not of this world. So naturally, your staff would be the one breaking. You stared down at the floor, mumbling, "This is all my fault, the twins are going to die and it's all my fault..."

"No," Stan said, you looked at him. "The kids are gonna die and it's all my fault. Because I couldn't shake your stupid hand! Uh, dad was right about me. I am a screw-up."

Ford placed a hand on Stan's shoulder, "Ah, don't blame yourself. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place. I fell for all his easy flattery. You would have seen him for the scam artist he is."

You chuckled, "Look at us... We all screwed up. Guess it's time to make amends."

"How did things get so messed up between us?" Stan asked, shaking his head.

"I would say the two of you used to be like Dipper and Mabel." You smiled sadly. "But you let one thing get in between the two of you."

"(Y/N)'s right. The world's about to end and they still work together. How do they do it?" Ford asked in amazement.

Stan shrugged, "Easy. They're kids. They don't know any better."

Ford got up, you noticed and asked. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to play the only card we have left. Let Bill into my mind. He'll be able to take over the galaxy and maybe even worse, but at least he might let the kids free." Ford said sadly.

"What?! Are you kiddin' me?! Are you honestly telling me there's nothing else we can do?!" Stan opposed to Ford's idea.

Ford sighed, explaining. "Bill's only weak in the mind space. If I didn't have this darn plate in my head we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind."

"If you say he's weak in the mind, why not make him go into one and BAM! Case solved." You suggested.

"He has to have a mind to go into, and apart from mine, he wouldn't go into any other." Ford reasoned.

"What if he goes into my mind? My brain isn't good for anything." Stan asked.

"Heheh. There's nothing in your mind he wants. It has to be me. We need to take his deal. It's the only way he'll agree to save you and the kids." Ford sighed.

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