Chapter 14 (50) - The Game In Real Life

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"Alright. You've entered the chamber. Princess Unattainabelle beckons you. But WAIT! IT'S A TRAP!" Ford said dramatically while playing with the dice with his fingers and making a weird face.

Dipper let out a gasps while you rolled your eyes with a smirk.

"An illusion cast by Probabilitor the Annoying." Ford said.

"You know his weakness, right?" Dipper asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Prime-statistical anomalies over 37 but not exceeding 51!" Ford said and rolled the dice.

"Yes! Uh! In your face, you cardboard wizard!" Dipper pointed at the cardboard wizard.

"Hm. The old boy looks a bit different than he did back in my day." Ford said as he told up the picture of Probabilitor.

"Hm, ya. They change the art every few years. What you should be glad is that you missed the period when the creators of the game tried to make it 'cooler'." you said with a smirk.

"Must have been dark times, those 90's." Dipper shivered at the thought.

"Yeesh. Sounds like a good time to be stuck between dimensions." Ford let out a breath.

"Great uncle Ford, I've been meaning to ask you: where were you before you came out of that machine, and what have you been doing down here? Are you working on something behind that curtain?" Dipper asked out of curiosity.

"Dipper, it's best if you and the family stay away from that subject. Honestly, I'm not sure any of you could handle the real answer." Ford said, you looked at him.

"But, but I can handle it-" Dipper said but Ford interrupted him.

"Ah-ah! But I can show you something I brought back with me," Ford said then went to take out something from his coat. "An infinity-sided die."

"How did you get one of these?" you asked, staring at the dice, watching the dice change every second.

"Woah... that's so cool. And... impossible!" Dipper said staring at the dice in Ford's hands.

"These things are outlawed in 9,000 dimensions. You wanna know why? Look at those symbols. Infinite sides means infinite outcomes. If I rolled it, anything could happen. Our faces could melt into jelly. The world could turn into an egg. Or you could just roll an eight. Who knows. That's why I have to keep it in this protective cheap plastic case." Ford explained.

"He should have kept it in a better place..." you thought.

"Now, back to the game! You've got Probabilitor on the ropes." Ford said, putting away the dice, and on with the game.

~Timeskip to at night in your room~

"You sure had fun with Dipper today." you smiled at Ford.

"You could say that." Ford say, getting into bed.

"You do that more often, human lives are quite fragile you know." you said darkly.

"Huh?" Ford said like he misheard something.

"Nothing, just...forget I said anything..." you said and got onto the couch. "Night..."

"Good night then." Ford said.

"Oh and I'll be in the forest tomorrow, so I won't join your game."

"What but you were winning."

"Nah, I'll let Dipper and you have some alone time."

"If you say so."


You woke up earlier than usual, you quickly washed up and changed. You handed to the treehouse and went in. You saw the room wasn't in grayscale so you knew Bill wasn't here.

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