Chapter 9 (45) - Stan Is Not So Innocent

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The three of you were now hiding in the bushes, staring at the shack that is now surrounded by agents.

"Alright, here's the plan. I'll take out those two guard guys, you karate chop the other dude in the neck and then we'll back flip through the front door!" Mabel told you two her plan.

"I can work with that." you said.

"Mabel, aren't you forgetting the simpler solution?" Dipper said, and pointed at the broken triangle window.

"Oh, right." Mabel nodded and now understood what his twin meant. "But what about (Y/N)?"

"Don't worry about me. I can get in on my own, you two just wait for me in your room." you said. You know you could get past those weak agents with your set of skills.

You watched as Dipper hugged Mabel by the waist, then Mabel shot her grappling hook and up they go. "Now it's my turn."

You jumped up to the trees and jumped to one that's closest to the shack, you stayed there until the helicopter flew past you. You leaped into the air, and landed on the roof gracefully.

You proceeded to moving to the window where the twins went in by, you swiftly ran to the window and jumped in. You looked up from your jump and saw the twins' wide eyes.

"How did you..." Mabel asked, but can't find the words.

You stood up and dusted yourself, moving towards the door, "Come on, are we going to clear your uncle's name or aren't we?"

Dipper and Mabel nodded as they followed you down the stairs and into Stan's office, you locked the door behind them.

"Alright. If I was Stan, where would I hide those surveillance tapes?" Dipper said to himself out loud as he walked around searching for those tapes.

"Wait! The antelabbit!" Mabel screamed and pointed at the jackalope on the wall.

"Don't you mean 'jackalope' ?" Dipper and you corrected Mabel.

"Pfft, that can't be right." Mabel said, you rolled your eyes.

Mabel then went on to fixing the jackalope's bent antler, turns out it was a lever, the wall turns open to reveal two old-looking TV monitors and a tape player.

"Mabel you did it!" Dipper cheered.

"Yes!" Mabel said and fistbumped Dipper.

You noticed a tape halfway in the player, "This tape is this week's."

"Play it!" the twins said together.

You pushed the tape in and waited for it to play, the screen showed the gift shop where Wendy, Soos and Mabel was there, and Soos was on the floor doing a wormy dance.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Wendy and Mabel cheered in the tape.

"Someone yelled 'Wormy Dance'. We had to! Fast-forward." Mabel defended herself.

You pressed the button to fast forward, there the screen showed Stan restocking.

"Ha! There it is! Stan restocking like he said! And the date shows it was last night! It's proof! He's innocent!" Dipper said with joy and relief.

Then the screen showed Stan sneaking out of the shack at 7pm, you fast forward it to 8pm and still no Stan.

"..Uhh-oh." Dipper said as he knew what might happen next.

"Uh, maybe he's just going to the bathroom outdoors. The way nature intended!" Mabel tried to think of an excuse for Stan's absent.

"Let's see." you said as you fast forward it until you see a person entering the shack.

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