Chapter 31 (67) - To Protect & To Save

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You arrived in time to see Bill turning Ford into a golden statue or rather, a back scratcher. Your eye closed half at the sight but returned to normal when you noticed Dipper making a move. You stayed hidden in the shadows as you watched, not a good move?

You came out when you saw Dipper being thrown back to a tree by Bill's force as he tried to punch Bill in the eye, "Dipper! Are you okay?" you ran to his side, getting him to his feet.

"I'll live." Dipper chuckled, giving you a weak smile.

Bill flew closer, picking up the three journals on the ground with his powers. "Ice Queen! Nice of you to finally join the party!" Bill cheered as you turned to look at him, Dipper was holding on to your arm. Bill's one eye narrowed.

Turning to Dipper, Bill held up the frozen Ford and wave him at Dipper. "That's right. Don't be a hero, kid." then processed to burning the journals. "This is what happens to heroes in my world."

"No! The journals!" Dipper tried to go get the journals but you stopped him, he fought against your arm, then stopped when he saw the journal burnt into a crisp. The only thing remaining was a page of Bill.

"Not much of a threat now, are you?" Bill teased by Dipper, then turned around to his 'friends' and asked rather rudely. "Now can anyone remind me why we came here?"

"To get weird!" a green monster with 8-balls for eyes shouted with his fist in the air.

Bill pointed at that monster and another monster that resembles something like teeth, "That's right! VIP party at the Fearamid. Oh, and 8 Ball, Teeth, you've earned a treat, have the kid for a snack."

The 8-ball monster rolled its eyes while Teeth chuckled, Dipper held on to your arm tighter.

"Hench-maniacs, roll out!" Bill shouted as he turned a car into something, weird.

The two monsters stepped closer to you and Dipper, while the other monster followed Bill into the weird transformed car. You bit your lower lip, there's only one way you could protect those you held dear while Bill is in control in the physical world, you stepped forward. "Bill!"

Your shout made Bill stop in his tracks, you could feel Dipper's grip on your arm tightening by the second. Bill flew out of the car and shifted his size to his usual self, he flew in front of you, "Yes, Ice Queen?"

"Let's..." you looked down then back up at Bill once you got the courage. "Let's make a deal."

You could feel Bill's smirk appearing on his human face despite the fact that he's still in his triangle form. "I'm listening."

Dipper's eyes widened in fear, tucking on to your arm, "(Y/N)! What are you thinking! You can't trust Bill! He'll-"

"Dipper, I know what I'm doing." your cold glance silenced him, then soften. "Besides, it's the only way to ensure all my friends' safety."

"I'm glad you finally saw the light, my Snowflake." Bill flew closer, his hand pointed at Dipper and he was float in the air, away from you. "Now then, to get rid of you."

"Bill. you haven't heard my side of the deal yet." you said, perfectly calm of the situation.

"Clear your mind. Don't think too much." your father's words rang in your head.

Bill 'sat' down in midair and motioned, "Go on."

"I'll agree to join your side, but you CAN NOT harm the Pines family in anyway." you stated with a straight face and determination.

Bill stared back at you, seeming to think about this demand of yours. "Hmmm... it's pretty demanding, my Queen."

You kept your eyes on Bill as he thought through it.

"I like it! Whatever it does to make you join my side, I'm willing to do or give." Bill snapped his fingers, Dipper was released from his hold and fell onto the ground. "In exchange for you, (Y/N) Zoldyck, to join my side. I will guarantee that no harm comes to the Pines family in any way from now onwards while I am in command of the physical world."

Bill looked back at you to see if you had anything to add to this, you nodded as a sign of agreeing with what Bill said, you reached out your right hand, preparing to shake to have the deal done with and having them safe.

"It's a DEAL!" Bill said as he reached out hand burst into a blue flame.

You held on to his hand, shaking it as the flame extended to your hand as well. You repeated, "It's a deal."

Retracting your hand, you turned to Dipper with a forced smile. "I know you don't approve of what I'm doing, but it's for the best. In my perspective anyway."

"No. (Y/N), you can't do this." Dipper shook his head, he's on the brink of crying. Majorly. "We- we could figure something out. Just, just not... this."

"Sorry, but this is my way of protecting you." You smiled. "My first ever friends."

"But... we. You just can't... Don't do this." Dipper cried, tears coming out of his eyes.

You wiped them away with your thumb, "Don't worry, everything will work out. You'll see."

A snap of fingers was heard then you started to float up into the sky.

"Sorry, not sorry for cutting this short. As much I would love to see Pinetree being his weak and poor self, Ice Queen and I have more pressing matters to deal with." Bill said boredly. "My Queen's room awaits her."

You floated next to Bill, you gave Dipper an encouraging smile, but that faded away when Bill sent his 'friends' to chase away Dipper. You sent Bill a glare, "We had a deal."

Bill's one eyes eyed at you, "We did, I only agreed to not harming the Pines family, but never saying that I couldn't make them go away with a little... force."

You narrowed your eyes, Bill has found a loophole, but not for long as soon as you found out that Bill did hurt them, then game over for him.

Bill proceeded to bring his friends and you to the fearamid to have his little VIP party and to also show you to your room, one he made especially for you. Not to mention, introduce you to his friends and to the world that you're his and he's alone, a bit on the overprotective side but sure why not.

"My Snowflake, close your eyes, please. I want this to be a surprise." Bill said as he leads you through the hallways, you sighed but did so none the less. You heard Bill chuckled with excitement, making you more curious as to what he's planning.

Of course, your weapons would still be prepared if it comes to that.

You heard the door of a double door opening, and then Bill told you to open them and you did. What you saw in front of you was, simply breathtaking.

[Image above]

"Is this. Is this my room?" you asked in shock. You turned to Bill who has already changed to his human form.

"Why yes, my dear, I believe this is the standard of a Queen's living quarters," Bill smirked proudly. "Note that those snacks and always there whenever you finished them. They're enhanced."

"What about poison?" you raised an eyebrow.

Bill's one eye widened, "I would never poison my own Queen, such thoughts are meant to go to the black hole."

"Huh, a black hole you say." you eyed Bill with interest. You walked to the end of the bed and laid down, "This is heavenly..."

"Uh, uh, uh. You haven't seen the rest of your room." Bill said as his face appeared above yours.

You sat up almost instantly, nearly bumping into Bill's head. "There's more!?"

Author's Notes: Deal taken, you are now on Bill's side. There was so much work and assignments for me this week, but never fear, writing this story is a blast, so YAY!




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