Chapter 22 (58) - The Search For A Friend

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Song: Castle

Artist(s): Halsey


Their eyes widened and immediately looked around for any clues as to where (Y/N) could have gone, as they were looking around, on a certain roof stands the said assassin, (eye colour) eyes stared dully at them as they search for (Y/N) in vain.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Mabel asked as she looked around, Ford blocked her way of moving any closer to the dead body. "Grunkle Ford, move away! I need to find (Y/N)!"

"Mabel, I won't let you move any closer, no matter the reason." Ford said firmly, holding Mabel back effortlessly. "The scene behind me is not suited for a child like you."

"What if (Y/N) is behind you and is just hiding! Then I would miss the chance of proving to Dipper that (Y/N) didn't kill people!" Mabel screamed at her grunkle, trying to push her way through him.

Ford continued to block her way as he tries to reason with her, "Mabel, listen to me, I assure you. (Y/N) is not here anymore, (Y/N) left. The only sole reason why I'm blocking you is because of the scene that is not fitting for a child like you to see. Mabel."

Mabel stopped resisting after a while, and hugged Ford, burying her face into his cloak, muttering sadly to no one in particular, "I want my friend back. I want my best friend back. I want (Y/N) to come back to us... Why can't we go back to the time everything was fine?"

Dipper and Ford watched helplessly as Mabel sobbed quietly into Ford's white cloak, Dipper wanted to at least try and comfort her but was unable to, he couldn't, he doesn't know what to do to make her not feel that bad.

"Mabel, let's go back to the shack." Dipper suggested.

Mabel only shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

Ford sighed and tried reasoning with her, but he knew it wouldn't work so he tried something else. "Mabel, how about this. We go search for (Y/N) tomorrow night, I'm almost positive that (Y/N) would make an appearance."

Mabel sniffed and wiped her eyes, looking up at Ford. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Ford reassured her.

Mabel looked down, thinking about it, then returned to her cheerful mood. Smiling, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's head back and get all the energy we need!" with that she ran back to the shack as fast as she could.

"Great uncle Ford?" Dipper asked.

Ford looked at Dipper, "Yes?"

"Are really sure that (Y/N) would be there tomorrow?" Dipper asked carefully.

Ford sighed and answered, "Not really, but that's what I could do to cheer Mabel up. You saw her, she was so sad about (Y/N) leaving her alone, Mabel wanted nothing more than finding (Y/N) and bring her back. She also wanted to believe that (Y/N) wasn't one to kill and prove it."

Dipper looked down, "Is this all happening because of me? Am I to blame for all this?"

Ford placed a hand on his shoulders, "Dipper! I don't think it's your fault." Ford looked around then sighed again and said in a serious tone. "To be perfectly honest, the part where (Y/N) runs away is your fault but the killings were not. I have a suspicion of someone else doing them."

"Wait so someone is trying to make us believe (Y/N) is the one who's killing people?" Dipper gasped, taking a step back.

"I'm not sure, it's just a hypnosis." Ford said. "The fact that I didn't think (Y/N) was the one doing all this is because I don't think (Y/N) is that type of person."

"But (Y/N)'s an assassin." Dipper said.

"No, you misunderstood. I meant by (Y/N) being that emotionally weak, (Y/N) doesn't strike me as that type of person who would get all worked up over one silly thought." Ford explained.

"Ohhh..." Dipper said in understanding. "So then, what do we do now?"

"We could only wait till (Y/N) is ready to face us again, then we might have a chance of getting (Y/N) back." Ford said logically, then furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't want that demon taking away someone that would protect another that deeply, not to mention caring for you all while I can't."

"Great Uncle Ford..." Dipper looked at Ford with sympathy.

Ford looked up at Dipper, clutching his teeth. "I'm sure you know and remember how much (Y/N) has protected the two of you from harm, from anything or one."

Dipper looked down with guilt, remembering how great of a friend (Y/N) was to him, "Ya, (Y/N) was pretty amazing." then the time when he didn't trust (Y/N) because (Y/N) was brave enough to tell him (Y/N)'s deepest secret and he didn't trust (Y/N) anymore, making (Y/N) run away.

"I'm sorry..." Dipper spoke softly. "(Y/N)."

Guilt was building up within Dipper, it was unbearable. Dipper almost wanted to cry, he regretted how he took advantage of (Y/N) for what (Y/N) has done for him and Mabel. (Y/N) was always there for him whenever he needed most, no matter the circumstance.

Now, just because of one secret. That made the bond break into a million pieces. Then this came along, is this what they call the protagonist's trial?

~The Next Night~

"Everyone ready?" Ford asked as he tightened his gun by his waist. The twins gave Ford a firm nod and determined grins. "Well, then let's go."

"Yeah!" the twins shouted with their fists in the air.

After a while, they decided on going to the forest to see if they could find (Y/N) or not. Since they knew (Y/N) would spend most of (her/his) mornings there in the forest walking around, enjoying the peace and quiet. That was where (Y/N) would mostly be when not seen in the shack.

Besides, they searched the town in the morning and still no signs of (Y/N). The forest is big and vast, the best place for hiding. Thus the forest would be the best place to go search for a lost friend who ran away. (Y/N).

They all waited for Stan to fall asleep then they made their moves and sneaked out of the shack, they turned on their torches once out in the open and headed into the forest. They shined their torches everywhere, shining at every treetop they come across. However, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Mabel shouted (Y/N)'s name throughout the forest in hopes of (Y/N) hearing her calls and appearing before her eyes, letting Mabel see her best friend once again.

"Mabel. Shhh!" Dipper hushed Mabel, a finger at his lips. "I don't think you are supposed to shout in the night in a forest."

Mabel stared back at her twin, "Who cares. I'm trying to find my best friend, that's all that matters."

Dipper was taken back then also started shouting (Y/N)'s name to prove to Mabel that he also wants to find (Y/N) no matter what and set things right. Ford only watched as the two shouted.

Snap! Crunch! Crunch!

"Sh!" Ford shut Dipper and Mabel up, the two did as told and kept their guard up.

Rustling sounds came nearer and nearer until it stopped and a figure came into the light. "Who might you three be?"

Author's Notes: OHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Here enters a mysterious character! Who could it be? Comment your guess! I'm very happy to thank you all for reading my story, 3.6K+ people are reading this, pinch me! Plus 200+ votes? I'm dreaming! But I'm not! I love this! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!



Guess the mysterious character here!

As always, Enjoy!

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