Christmas Special - Bill's Favourite Festival

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"Kids!" the two grunkles cheered as the two kids ran up to their great uncles, hugging each other. The Pines family were all reunited, happy and warm on Christmas Eve.

"It's great to be back here." Dipper smiled, letting go.

"Yay! Our parents allowed us to stay here for the Christmas holidays!" Mabel cheered, jumping up and down. "By the way, where's Soos and Melody?"

"They're on vacation, Stanley gave them a break and they had somewhere in mind to go," Ford explained.

Stan grunted but smiled, "Soos actually did a good job of running the place, made quite the pile of money."

Everyone laughed, then Dipper asked, "So where's (Y/N)? Shouldn't (he/she) be here already?"

"(Y/N)'s arriving with Bill, I think," Ford said, uncertain. "I'm actually not sure, (Y/N) gave me her number. When I called, it got passed on to their head butler next father then (Y/N), by the time it got to (Y/N), (he/she) was halfway across the world doing a job."

"So (Y/N) knows we're here right?" Mabel asked she didn't quite get all that.

Ford scratched the back of his neck, "Well... The one who answered the call was actually Bill, that's how I know (Y/N) was halfway across the world. (Y/N) gave the phone to Bill so it wouldn't interrupt the job at hand, Bill said he'll pass it on, but I don't actually know if he did."

Mabel looked down, "So there's a chance (Y/N)'s not coming to celebrate Christmas with us...?"

Stan came to Mabel, patting her on the back. "Don't worry, pumpkin. (Y/N) will come, you'll see."

As if on cue, a vertex appeared at the front door. Two figures coming out, while one was yelling. "I can't believe you would hide that from me! I know I was on a job but seriously? Selfish much? We are always together, a few days with the Pines family would NOT kill you!"

"May I remind you who ALMOST killed me?" the other yelled back.

"Oh ho, that's because you tried to take over the world with your weirdness!"

"So it's MY fault I want a world to my own?!"

"HELL YES! No one would take over the world and make it into their image!"

"You'd be surprised by the number..."

"SANE person!"

"Well, I'm not sane or a person! I'm a dream DEMON for heaven's sake!"

"Spicy dorito!"




"ENOUGH!" a voice shouted at them, the third figure and fourth came out. The two snapped their heads at the person who shouted. The one with the white hair sighed, scratching his hair, "Would you two lovebirds stop arguing. We arrived."

The one with (hair colour) quickly snapped out of it and looked at her surroundings, (his/her) (eye colour) eyes landing on the other four people in the room. The person blinked and blinked, then ran to them and hugged them, "Guys!"

They gladly hugged back, giggling and laughing at their friend's behaviour.

They gladly hugged back, giggling and laughing at their friend's behaviour

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