Chapter 4 (40) - Northwest's Game

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After stepping through the painting, it leads to a hidden room full of dust. "Looks like no one has been here for ages."

"You okay, Dipper?" you asked as you picked Dipper up.

"Ya, but what is this place?" Dipper asked in awe as he stood up.

"That's weird I don't even know where this room is." Pacifica said as she got up and walked around.

"Let's hope the ghost doesn't either." you said as you walked.

"Ya, maybe we're safe." Pacifica said as she turned around from something that's covered in a cloth.

You rolled your eyes as you stared borely at the girl being so confident, you eyes widen as you saw the cloth trying to get Pacifica.

"Pacifica! Behind you!" Dipper shouted at her with a finger pointing at the cloth.

You acted quickly as you went in to get her away from it, which turns out to be the ghost. The ghost was chasing you and Pacifica around the room until you were backed into a corner, you place Pacifica down as you prepare to take out your silver staff.

"Prepare to die Northwest!" the ghost shouted as he lift up his axe.

Just in time, Dipper ran in front of you with a silver mirror. The force of the ghost being suck into the mirror was strong, leading the three of you to fall out the window. Only you landed on your feet.

"Did we get him?" Pacifica asked, her still lying on the ground on her stomach.

Dipper took a look at the silver mirror in his hand.

"No! Free me!" the ghost cried at Dipper as he banged his fist on the glass.

"Guess we did." you grinned.

"We did it!" Pacifica cheered as she hugged the two of you.

Both Dipper and you widened your eyes at her action and looked at each other, Pacifica then came to her sense and broke the hug.

Pacifica coughed and you and Dipper awkwardly rubbed your arms.

"Can I pay you to pretend that didn't happen?" Pacifica asked as she told out two pieces of money.

You and Dipper looked at each other with one of your eyebrows raise and then back at Pacifica.


"Well, Pacifica. It looks like we found the for the job." Peston said as he saw you glaring at him.

"We can't thank you enough." Priscilla said as she snapped her fingers. Two butlers came and shook yours and Dipper's hand. "That's enough." and the butler stopped.

"Hey, hey. Just holding my end of the deal." Dipper smiled.

"You sounded like Bill..." you sweatdropped.

Dipper started to turn away with the journal and silver mirror in hand, you followed.

"Wait," you two heard Pacifica as you two stopped and turned. "Leaving already? You two are at the world's best party dummy."

"We'd love to stay but we've a category 10 ghost to dispose of." Dipper said as he turned back and walk, then hitting the pillar.

"......" you blinked a few times at Dipper's action.

"Haha, category 10." Dipper chuckled as he went away.

You smiled then shook your head as you followed him, but not hitting the pillar.

"Call me crazy but she's not that bad after all." Dipper said.

"Crazy." you said emotionlessly.

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now