Chapter 32 (68) - New Life, New Fun

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You now laid on your queen-sized bed, your arms opened beside you and your legs dangling off of the bed. You closed your eyes, remembering what Bill has shown you; the connected bedroom with a hot tub, a library, a room full of fancy clothes and something you never expected - weaponry.

A room full of weapons you learned from your parents, there was even a laboratory filled with all types of chemicals, all labeled according to their names and numbers, also equipment for making anything you would need, in other words; poison.

While it was impressive, you found the best thing was a designer's room. Papers, pens, pencils, books, materials, all there just waiting for you to start designing and making. During the time Bill was proudly explaining where everything was, you quickly drew an outline of an outfit you want to try making. Bill also mentioned that whatever you need would be there, just say the word and poof, it's there.

The result was you spending a lot of time in the designer's room instead of accompanying Bill and his VIP party, there was no way he could bear to pull you away from your world, so he could only go party himself, what a lonely demon. The best part was, you didn't even notice he was gone until you were finished.

Whoops, not sorry

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Whoops, not sorry.

Now you're tired and wanted to sleep, of course, you could go without sleep for a few days, but hey, sleeping is a good way to past the time. You used to sleep in the forest high up in the trees back at home, the butlers always have trouble finding you. Your breathing was so soft and small, people would think your dead.

Just as you were about to close your eyes, however, your bedroom door flew right open. "Oh, Snowflake!" yelled an annoying demon. Your right eye twitched and you rolled over, your face facing the bed. "My dear, why are you on the bed? There's still so much to do."

"..." you continued to face the bed until Bill would leave you alone.

Well, that was the plan anyway. Bill dragged you out of bed and made you stand up, facing him as he bowed and you sat back down on the foot of the bed with your legs crossed as well as your arms, you stared down at Bill as he kneeled before you like a loyal subject, or so you thought.

"My Queen," Bill's head looked upwards, giving you a playful smirk. "I hereby invite you to attend a dinner party."

"With your friends?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Just you and me." Bill's smirk grew. "The two of us, enjoying a lovely dinner cooked by yours truly and a dance afterward."

"Is this an option or a demand?" you grinned.

Bill stood up, staring down at you, his golden eye glowing with intimidation. Any normal person would coward in fear, but you're not a normal person, now are you? "What do you think my dear?"

You followed Bill and stood up, "I would say you're demanding that I join you, I can tell that you're not pleased with my disappearance during your party."

Bill gave you a closed eye smile and tilted his head to the side, "My, how observant of you to have noticed that detail. That's my Ice Queen." Bill turned around and walked out the room, but before leaving he snapped his fingers and said, "I got you a dress, it's on the small couch. It should fit you, I hope you would wear that for tonight." and with that, he left.

Your eyes darted to the window, Bill's speech echoed in your mind, "How do I even tell the time when you say time is dead? Huh, I guess I'll just take a shower and get dressed, hoping night time would come by then."


You dried your (length) hair and went to the small couch, spotting the dress Bill mentioned. You picked it up and said to yourself, "Well, this dress is annoying. It's hard to move around and isn't fit for someone like me."

(Image above. If you don't like the colour then imagine it as the colour you wanted.) OR (Dresses below) [For male: you're wearing suits of your own choice]

You still wore the tree-house key as a necklace, amazingly, it fits the dress

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You still wore the tree-house key as a necklace, amazingly, it fits the dress. "Can this so-called necklace look good with anything I wear?" you questioned no one in particular with a playful grin and rest the key on your chest. "Oh well, time for the show."

With that, you opened the twin doors and gracefully walked out of your room, your dress flowing behind you as you walked in the hallways, the high heels' clicking sounds echo throughout the endless black hallways.

You stood in front of the golden doors, taking a deep breath with your eyes closed and opened them again, you pushed open the door without much effort. The bright light shined on you as if welcoming you, a breeze brushed by you to beckon you inside.

Bill's eye darted to you, looking you from top to bottom. A smirk appeared as his head tipped down to the side a little, almost going unnoticed to normal people, but not you. "You look ravishing this evening, my lady."

Bill sat on a golden armchair, his right elbow on the armrest as his right fingers lightly touch the right side of his lips while his left elbow was on the armrest with his hand at his stomach, his legs were crossed, showing his dominance.

"And that smirk. Just show us how much of a twisted person he is." you thought with a bored face, you entered into the room as the golden doors closed themselves.

"Now, now. My dear. No need for that this early of the night, this is just the start and you're doing that." Bill floated down his little thrown and in front of you, bowing like a gentleman. "Delighted that you would join me, this fine evening."

"Didn't give me much of a choice." you spatted, looking to the side.

Bill looked up, smirking. "My dear, at least look like you're having fun or excited. You're ruining all the fun."

"Then give me something to enjoy or have fun." you glared at him, your eyes narrowing.

Bill's smirk grew, "Well now," he chuckled. "You better be prepared for the night of your life."

Author's Notes: Woah. Sorry for the late update, had a bit too much fun searching for your clothes. He he, anyways. This is it! The ending is coming real soon, guys! Hopefully, this story will end by the end of this year.




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