Chapter 16 (52) - The Cat's Out Of The Bag

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You watched as Ford put away the infinity-sided die away, then locking it with a key. You leaned against the wall, watching.

"This'll be here if you ever need it." Ford said to Dipper.

"Really? Even though I got us into the whole game-playing mess?" Dipper asked as he looked down on the floor.

"Eh, we both got carried away. I guess we'd both gone for a while without a friend." Ford said to Dipper. Then he turns to you as well. "Can I tell the two of you something?

"Sure thing." you said while Dipper only nodded.

"You asked me earlier what I was working on." Ford said then removed the curtain, revealing the portal broken down. "Well, I dismantled the portal. An interdimensional gateway is too dangerous for the world it feeds into. That's why I was mad at Stan for using it. He saved me but, as I feared, the instability of the machine created this..."

Ford moved to the desk and opened a small slide door, then taking out a snowglobe with an aqueous solution with the colours of a galaxy.

"Woah..." you let out awe.

"This is an interdimensional rift. I've contained it for now, but it's incredibly dangerous." Ford introduced, then turned to Dipper. "Dipper, I don't want you to tell anyone about this. Not Stan, not even your sister. You understand?"

"Oh-uh, of course." Dipper said staring at Ford.

Ford looked at you and you nodded, knowing he was asking the same thing of you.

"In my time I've made many powerful enemies, but I trust you with this secret. Now get yourself to bed. I have much research to do." Ford said with a smile.

"Goodnight, Great uncle Ford." Dipper said.

"Goodnight, Dipper." Ford said back.

You and Dipper started to walk to the door but Ford called you, so you stayed behind.

You watched as Ford placed the rift back into the compartment and closed the door.

"So? What do you want to talk about?" you asked, leaning to the wall with your arms crossed.

"You of course." Ford said turning to you. "Who are you? What's your last name?"

"Why do I need to tell you that?" you asked darkly.

"Why can't you? Is there a dark secret to it? Something that you want to be kept hidden?" Ford asked you with confidence in voice.

You stared at him for a while, analyzing him.

You signed and closed your eyes for a moment, then opened your eyes again, staring straight at Ford's two eyes.

You signed and asked, "Just who do you think I am then?"

It was obvious to you that Ford was taken by surprise at that question, he must have not thought about it or something.

Ford walked around in circles, his right hand under his chin, he was thinking. Your eyes followed him around the room.

Finally, he stopped and looked at you, his hands at his side. "I have a few in mind, but-"

"I'll answer truthfully, however, whether or not you choose to believe me is your choice entirely." You interrupted him.

Ford first gave you a nod and then he started, "Your skill, your speed, your intelligence, are you an alien from outer space?"

You widen your eyes, your mouth opening wide. You couldn't believe your ears, he thinks you're an alien. Stanford Pines thinks (Y/N) is an alien from outer space.

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