Chapter 29 (65) - Reality and Life

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"Bill is out there, and he'd use any trick, from deception to outright possession, to make this happen. But for the sake of humanity, we mustn't let it." Ford said firmly as he took a glance at the blackboard then back at Dipper and you.

"What do we do?" Dipper asked heroically.

Ford took out a case and placed the rift in it as he answered, "We patch the rift. I'll explain on the way. (Y/N), are you joining?"

"Hmm..." you looked away, you didn't know what to say. Do you go help save the world or try and tell Bill to not go through with his plans.

Dipper looked at Ford, worry written all over his face, "Wait, what about Mabel?"

"It's okay, Dipper. You should totally go with Grunkle Ford to save the world or whatever." Mabel's sudden voice was heard behind you, you and Dipper turned around, finding Mabel at the doorway.

"Are you sure?" Dipper asked, you could hear that it was just a nice way of breaking it down to Mabel that he really wants to go with Ford, though at the same time he was worried about Mabel.

"We're going to be doing birthday junk all week. Plus, I packed us walkie-talkies. Here's one for my party mission, and one for your smarty mission." Mabel held up two similar but different backpacks and gave one to Dipper.

You stepped next to Mabel, "I'll go with Mabel, you know, to help her while you go on your thrilling mission."

Ford suddenly clears his throat and said to Dipper, "I did mention that the fate of the universe is at stake, didn't I? Hurry, we haven't much time." and he left the room without waiting for Dipper.

"Best to on your way, Dipper." you said to him.

Dipper nodded and started talking to himself as he walked, "Okay, Dipper. It's your first big mission with Ford. A chance to prove yourself. Don't mess this up." then he ran straight into a wall.

You and Mabel watched with wide eyes and opened mouths.

"Ow! Ah, heh heh, I'm alright." Dipper chuckled to himself and ran out of the room, then the series of him tripping was heard, "Ahh!"

"He's not alright." you stated deadpanned, while Mabel only chuckled nervously.


"Whoa, Soos, I thought you said this place was empty." Mabel said as soon as she saw a bunch of teenagers lining up to do registration for their new school year.

"This place is totally empty." you said sarcastically. Mabel punched you at the arms playfully.

You noticed Wendy coming up to the three of you, "My dawgs, what up?" she asked in a cool way.

"Wendy, what are you doing here?" Mabel walked up to her midway and asked, you followed behind her.

"Ugh, high school registration." Wendy rolled her eyes at Mabel, showing off the annoyance she feels for a new year of high school.

Mabel hugged on to her flyers for her birthday, "Ooh! You know I'm only a year away from high school myself. Would you say your experience is more rom-com, or wacky romp?"

Wendy made an 'are you kidding me' face and screamed, "More like teen horror movie. High school is the worst. Classes get super hard, your body just flat out turns against you, and worst of all, everybody hates you."

You turned your head to see two girls growling at each other, then Robbie punching the board and Thompson mumbling to himself about not able to through another year. You raised an eyebrow, "Huh."

"Why aren't they singing about following their dreams? TV taught me that high school was like some sort of musical." Mabel asked innocently.

"TV lied, man! If you could avoid growing up, do it. I'd give anything to be 12 again. Anyway," Wendy complained then changed her mood to the causal fun one and asked Mabel, "What are you guys doing here?"

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