Chapter 34 (70) - The Person You Became

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Song: Animal I Have Become

Artist(s): Three Days Grace


The sounds of the piano stopped as Bill opened his eye and turned to you, suddenly the tension was heavy. You and Bill were having a staring contest; you with a grinning face and Bill with his triangle face, then the two of you started making a bunch of weird faces.

That was until Ford saw that it was time to put a stop to all this and asked, "Wh-where am I?"

You and Bill looked at each other for one last time and turned to Ford, there was silence, your guess was the both of you were waiting for the other to answer.

"Why aren't you saying anything?!" you yelled in your head, though your face held no emotion.

Bill said back, "I thought you were going to answer!"

"Well you thought wrong!" you said as you closed your eyes and folded your arms.

"You're in the penthouse suite, kid! The tip of the pyramid. Have a drink." Bill sat on the chair cross-legged, as he snapped his fingers each of you was given a glass of drink; you figured it was the 'time punch' you heard about, so you took a sip, turns out it was to your standards, and so you continued.

"Make yourself comfortable," Bill said as he took a sip, you sat down on your ice designed chair as well, Ford saw that you sat down so he followed and sat on the couch. "You know that couch is made from living human skin?"

Ford immediately got up as he heard the couch groan and out appeared eyes, noses and a mouth with the tongue. You cringed at the sight, remembering the time you sat on it as well, Bill said it likes you but you made him make a chair just for you, and thus the birth of your own chair in the penthouse suite.

"Aaah!" Ford moved away from the couch as far as he could and as near as he could to you. "Quit the games, Cipher! If I'm still alive you must want something from me."

"Ooo, Ford's good." you took another sip and looked at Bill.

"Ah, sharp as ever, Fordsy. As you may have noticed...I've recently had a multi-dimensional makeover." Bill's voice echoed just for a moment, he floated up from the chair, making the furniture float up along with him.

You and Ford were also floating, the only difference was; Ford was having trouble balancing while you were sitting in mid-air cross-legged like you have done that your whole life. You stared boredly at Bill's show, your half opened eyes showing no interest whatsoever.

"I control space, matter, and now that that dumb baby's out of the way, time itself! But I wasn't always this way." Bill floated down to the ground, you also floated directly above your seat and waited while Ford was just staring at you. Bill snapped his fingers and everything fell down to the ground.

That includes you but you just landed in your chair while Ford landed on the ground with an "Ooph." you giggled at the sight, while Bill continued. "You think those chains are tight?"

Bill's eye projected a planet then it went plat on a two-dimensional plane and was burned in a fire, "Imagine living in the second dimension, flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams. I liberated my dimension, Stanford, and I'm here to liberate yours. There's just one hitch."

Your eyes narrowed, taking another sip of your drink, "Here's the main point."

"As it turns out, my weirdness can't escape the magical confines of this town. There's something keeping me in." The projection changed to him pushing against a blue dome of the sort, unable to break free of it.

"Incredible! Gravity Falls natural law of weirdness magnetism. I studied this years ago!" Ford said in awe, standing up with his hand under his chin as he stared at the dome with fascination.

"And did you find a way to undo it?" Bill's voice pleaded.

"Of course. There's a simple equation that could collapse the barrier. But I'd never tell you!" Ford exclaimed.

You took another sip with your eyes closed, "You shouldn't have said that, Stanford."

"Listen, Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free." the projection showed Bill breaking free of the dome, he flew into outer space and draw a smiley face on the US grounds, then taking a bite of the Earth with his eye.

"Well, that's catastrophic." you rolled your eyes.

"Anything will be possible. I'll remake a fun world-- a better world! A party that never ends with a host that never dies! No more restrictions! No more laws! You'd be one of us. All-powerful. Greater than anything you've imagined! And all I need is your help." Bill's speech came to an end.

You placed the now empty glass on a table near your chair and placed your chin on your hand, your elbow on the armrest. Listening in on what Bill has to offer and Ford's answer to his proposal.

But Ford didn't disappoint you, "You're insane if you think I'll help you." Ford shouted.

"He's insane either way, Ford," you said with a monochrome tone. "Pretty sure you know that."

Ford's eyes darted to your relaxed figure, then back at Bill again.

"Ha ha ha! My Ice Queen's right you know. But have it your way. I'll just fish around and get that equation directly out of your mind!" Bill said then entered into the mental realm or mindscape, you were given the ability to see that, anything that is there but not visible to the normal human eye, but Bill changed something, something that allows you to see them now.

Bill left his physical form, you watched as his spirit prepare to go into Ford's mind but Ford wasn't fazed at all. Ford smirked, tapping his mind, "Not so fast! You know the rules, Bill. You may be able to haunt my dreams but you can't enter my mind unless I shake your hand and let you in."

Bill has an annoyed face and went back to his physical form, he snapped his fingers; you saw three neon blue chains attaching themselves to Ford's two ankles and neck. "You're making this so much harder than it needs to be. Everyone has a weakness, tough guy! I'll make you talk! It's only a matter of time."

Before Bill could do anything, you moved in front of the chained up man. Staring straight at Bill in the eye, warning him with a cold voice, "You are not to harm the Pines family in any way, shape or form."

Bill raised his hands in the air, "I know, I know. I won't hurt him, only... negotiate... with Sixer. That is our deal."

"Wait, deal?" Ford looked at you with disbelief. "(Y/N), you made a deal? With Bill?"

"I did." you said with a straight face, still looking at Bill.

"Why? Bill never goes along with the deals. He twists them to something that benefits him and him only." Ford reasoned.

You turned to Ford, "Stanford, what's done is done. The deal would ensure you, Stanley and the twins' safety. I'm positive Bill would go through with this deal."

Bill changed forms and smirked, hugging you by the neck from behind while still floating. "That's correct, Sixer. See, I'll do anything my Queen wants in order to stay by my side, and that includes ensuring your family's safety."

You noticed Ford backing away, "(Y/N), you're on his side?"

"To guarantee your family's safety, yes." you spoke, "And I don't regret it."

"See Sixer? Unlike you, (Y/N) here knows what she wants and would do anything to get it." Bill's smirk grew, "(Y/N) is the person you never were and never will be."

Author Note: HA! Confrontation with Ford! This is getting better and better, right? Hope you like this! I'm out!




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