Chapter 21 (57) - The Assassin's Back On the Job

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Song: Monster (Alternate Radio Version)

Artist(s): Skillet


Before Dipper got time to come up with something to argue against Mabel, the news came on.

"This just in folks, this man here found a dead body laying around in an alleyway while he was walking by, the scene was horrifying and disgusting, for the children watching this please avert your eyes for the next 5 seconds." The news reporter on the TV said, then an image came.

Ford immediately took action and covered Dipper and Mabel's eyes with his hands. He waited until the image was over and removed his hands, letting the twins see the TV again.

"As you can see, apart from the children, the dead body has his heart missing and there were no signs of a struggle. We suspect the work of someone who has past experience." The new reporter who is Shanda Jimenez said, her face was pale. "I'm Shanda Jimenez and I feel very very sick..."

"Someone was killed, here in Gravity Falls?" Mabel questioned.

"See!" Dipper exclaimed, pointing at the TV screen. "I knew it! After (Y/N)'s secret was out, this happens."

"It doesn't mean that it's (Y/N)'s doing! There's no proof!" Mabel argued back at her twin. "(Y/N)'s our friend how could you even think that."

"Well-!" Dipper started but Ford split them up.

"Now now children, Mabel's got a point. Without any proof, you can't point your finger at someone for doing something." Ford said, looking at Dipper.

Dipper furrowed his eyebrows together, "But how do we even know if it was (Y/N) who did it or someone else?"

"We find the killer of course." Ford smiled.

"HUH?!?" Dipper and Mabel both exclaimed in shock.

"I'm sorry, Great Uncle Ford, but how can we find the killer?" Dipper asked in shock.

Mabel nodded, agreeing with her twin, "How do we find the killer? He or she already killed someone."

"I understand," Ford nodded but continued. "But, if (Y/N) wasn't the one who did the deed then I'm sure that she would want to find the killer who did this, that or she already knows who did it, seeing as she is also a killer but on a higher level, she may have knowledge of killers around the world."

"But if (Y/N) didn't do it, that wouldn't (Y/N) just come and tell us?" Dipper questioned.

Mabel eyed at Dipper, "Can you blame (Y/N) for not coming back to us? You did trust (Y/N), all because (Y/N) told you (her/his)'s darkest secret."

Dipper looked down at the floor, muttering, "Sorry, I didn't- I wasn't thinking. There was just too much on my mind. I didn't mean that. I just, can't believe that an assassin just been living with us for so long, without us knowing."

"Dipper, it's normal for you to not know that assassins like (Y/N) is able to get close to anyone they want undetected, they are able to mask their intentions perfectly, until the final blow." Ford reassured Dipper, placing a hand on his shoulder, making Dipper look up at him.

"How did you find out then?" Dipper asked.

"Well," Ford said and looked away, retracting his hand, and then looked back at Dipper and Mabel. "I actually didn't, I thought (Y/N) was from outer space honestly. It was then (Y/N) told me, despite the dark and scary aura around her, I saw the slight fear in (Y/N)'s eyes."

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