Special Chapter #2 (8) - My Life Before

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*This happens before (Y/N) goes to Gravity Falls* 

[Before reading this chapter, sorry, I wrote (Y/N) as a girl. For those of the male gender, you can change it back to 'he' or 'him'. Sorry about this.]

A girl stands lonely on the top of the tallest building in the city, watching, observing the people below her. Her lifeless eyes searching for something, someone.

Her target, her assassination target.

One which someone of high statue hired assassins to kill one of their rivals, in return for their service was wealth and fear from the one who hired them and the ones who know of their work.

It was night time, plus it was raining as well. The raindrops could act as a cover for an assassin's presence. Assassins were trained to walk in absolute silence, because once an assassin is heard coming, then the element of surprise is taken away from their plan.

Though there are some assassins that prefer to finish their job by violence, they are fighters, once lost and they die.

However, assassins from the Zoldyck family are trained to be legends, the best of the best. No one knows how they look or how strong they really are, the only things people do know about was their existence and how their victims were killed.

There was even a tour conducted outside their house, they only get as far as the gate, also known as the gates of Hell or the door to Hades. Anyone who goes in never goes out...alive.

The girl stares down from the top of the building, the target is moving towards the front door of the hotel.

"Come out brother dear, I know you're there." you said monochrome as you continued to stare at the front door. "I can hear you coming."

A boy with white hair come out, his blue hood over his head. "You always are better than me."

"Huh, is that so..." you said, then you lifted your head and turned it to the side with one of your eye visible to those behind you. "I do remember telling you to call out... Illumi."

Another figure appeared, his long pitch hair was soaked in the rain, his lifeless wide eyes staring at the girl. "You saw through me as well."

"I think you knew the answer to that..." you said as you turned your head back to the bottom of the building. "Are you allowing Kil to join my job?"

"No," Illumi said and stood next to Killua, your twin brother, with a hand on his shoulder. "Kil is going to watch and learn from you."

You simply nodded and saw your target moving out of the build. "I'll be back."

You jumped down from the top of the building, your hands in your pockets, manipulating the nails to its sharpness. They were sharper than knives, one poke on human skin and blood comes out.

You landed at the side of your target, slowly opening your eyes as you stood up. The target's bodyguards aimed their guns at you but you swiftly moved your body around, dodging the bullets.

You moved your nails by their necks, instantly the blood poured out and they fell to the ground.

"Wait stop! Don't kill me! I'll give you anything! Don't-" the target pleaded but you didn't listen.

You only dung your nails into his heart and pulled it out, then staring at his now lifeless body on the ground. You dropped the target's heart on the ground and left the scene, your hands now back in the pockets of your hoodie.

"Sis." you heard Killua as you walked into a dark alley.

You looked up and saw your twin brother waving at you with a smile. "Hey."

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now