Chapter 30 (66) - Key's Untold Power

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"Listen to me, Dipper: this town is a magnet for things that are special. And that includes you and me. It brought both of us here for a purpose! Stay here with me, Dipper. Become my apprentice. Don't let anyone hold you-" you heard Ford said to Dipper over the walkie-talkie but was then cut off by a series of coughs.

"I'll do it; I'm gonna stay." you heard Dipper answer, there was no hesitation or anyway near that, it was pure confidence. You gasped.

"Excellent. Now, who wants to save the world, apprentice?" Ford said again. Then you heard the two of them laughing to themselves as their voices faded.

You standing at the twins' bedroom door, before, you were about to enter the room to cheer Mabel up but then you heard, that. You could only stare at the door with wide eyes and an opened mouth.

How could Dipper do that? To selfishly chase his dream while leaving his twin sister behind. Sure, you did the same to your twin, but you knew and he knew he could do it all on his own. In this case, was different.

You have an uneasy feeling since seeing the sign near the high school of Gravity Falls like Bill was watching, laughing, chuckling evilly in the mindscape. "Dipper has made a mistake."

You left the floor and went down to the basement where you waited for Ford to come, you hide in the shadows and waited, like a predator waiting for its prey. After a short while, you heard the lift's ding and then footsteps.

You threw daggers at the person and pinned him to the wall, two beside his head and four in his coat to pin him to the wall.

"What the- (Y/N)! What is the meaning of this?!" Ford asked, confused and angry at the same time.

You came out, twirling a dagger in your hand. "Why the hell did you ask Dipper to be your apprentice? You knew it would take him away from his sister!"

"What are you- Oh! You know about that?" Ford looked to the side.

You narrowed your eyes at him, "I know way more than you ever will."

"True." Ford agreed then looked at the daggers in his clothes. "Could you maybe remove these?"

You walked to him and pulled out all of the daggers then placed them in your pockets, Ford moved his arm around, you stepped back. "You know, history is kind of repeating now." you said dully and headed for the lift.

"What?" Ford said then tried to get you to continue but the doors closed on him.

You returned up to the shack, just in time to see Mabel rushing out of the shack door with Dipper's backpack. "Mabel!" you shouted but she was already out of the shack. You saw Dipper at the stairs, "What did you do!"

"I don't know, Mabel and I were talking about me staying at Gravity Falls then she ran." Dipper rushed through his answer.

You went to the door and opened it then walked out but just before you closed the door, you poked your head in and said, "We will continue this after I get Mabel." and you went out.

You stared at the forest, worry written all over your face. "I need to get to Mabel and quickly. I have a really really bad feeling about this..." you thought as you ran into the forest and started searching for the sad teen.

What you were unaware of was that you have actually run past Mabel, that was due to Bill setting up a barrier of illusion, no one would see what's going on inside as he did what he wants, and the person with him inside the illusion thinks that nothing is wrong.

You continued to search aimlessly as you ran through the forest, "Where's Mabel! She couldn't have gotten far. Where could she be?"

Suddenly a tower of purple light was shot into the sky, you immediately turned around and stared at the light. Your eyes widened in fear and disbelief, clenching your teeth, not believing what you think is happening. "No. Mabel!" you ran towards the light hoping to reach Mabel in time.

When you arrived, you saw Bill in the sky since the colours didn't fade away, you figured he escaped into the real world.

"Oh, it's happening. It's finally finally happening!" Bill cheered in his triangle form. He laughed and laughed, his eye eyed you for a few seconds before a layer of muscles surrounded his form. "Physical Form? Don't mind if I DO!" a metal layer surrounded the muscle form then he vanished.

You saw a guy in a tight suit getting up, then looked at Mabel as she started to float up from the ground. Mabel was then encased in a pink bubble with a shooting star, chains surrounded the bubble, locking it.

"Mabel!" you ran toward the bubble, you took out your daggers, trying to break the chains. "These chains should be broken by now! I should have known Bill wouldn't let these chains be broken easily!"

"Oh. Oh man. This is bad! This is really bad! Guys, we've got a situation!" a voice said behind you, you turned and saw the same guy, pressing on his watch then vanishing.

"Huh?" your head tilted to the side, it was then that the bubble with Mabel in it vanished as well.

You punched the ground beneath you, creating a crater. "Damn it, Bill!"

Looking back up from the ground, you rose and head towards the town, hoping to see Bill there to give him a piece of your mind. Before you even got out of the forest and into the town, a wave was rushing at you.

You had no way of escaping it, it was way too tall for you to do any good, then the shack was way too far for you to reach into time. You could only make your bets and hope it wouldn't affect you in any way, so you stood there.

Before the wave touched you, the key Bill gave you to your treehouse glowed and came out of your suit. It hovered above your chest a glowing aura around the key. As the wave came closer, a pyramid shape dome appeared with you in it. The wave washed over you and the dome, and left, leaving you unharmed.

 The wave washed over you and the dome, and left, leaving you unharmed

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[The dome is something like this, only, it's neon blue.]

As soon as the wave was gone, the dome faded away and the key stopped glowing, falling back down to your chest as it was a necklace. You held the key in your hand, "What the... Bill never told me it can do that..."

Then you shook your head violently as you remembered what you wanted to do, you hid the key away and stared ahead. "I need to get to the town, hopefully, Ford and Dipper would already but there."

Author's Notes: Oh it's happening! it's finally finally happening! 

Bill: Um. That's my line.

Me: Shut it, I'm in the moment here. *cough cough* As I was saying before rudely interrupted. Weirdmageddon is finally here for me to write and for you all to read! Hope you guys liked this, if not I promise the up-coming chapter would be better!




Bill: YOU STOLE MY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!

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