Chapter 17 (53) - Lifeless Assassin

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Song Information:

Song: Kill The Lights

Artist(s): Set It Off

*Though it's short, the animation and drawings were a sight to watch. Go search the full song!


"I was actually expecting another answer," Ford said, "I was expecting something like 'I'll kill the one who dislikes me!' or something..."

Your eyes widen in surprise, "Well now, I would do that. I mean I do kill but only for jobs and when people hurt or kill the ones I care for."

"You're not like any normal assassins I heard of..." Ford said looking ashamed of himself.

"Trust me, I know some assassins that kill just for pleasure or wealth but I also know someone who is tired of killing like me." You smiled at Ford.

"Do you want me to tell the kids about your identity?" Ford asked.

"I... don't actually know." You answered, unsure about yourself. "I mean, you're fine with me right?"

"Yes, I am, as long as you don't hurt my family." Ford answered firmly. "You even protected them, which I didn't expect you to. Just like today."

You chuckled with your eyes closed then opened them to look Ford in the eye, "Honestly, maybe. Hm, how about this. I'll tell you whenever you want, just-"

"I won't badmouth you. Promise." Ford said with his six-fingered hand raised in the air and a sincere smile on his face.

"Thank you." You said kindly and gave him a gentle smile.

"Well, I think a night of sleep is in order. Shall we?" Ford asked as he walked to the elevator.

"We shall." You said as you entered the elevator with him. "For your information, I can survive around one month without sleep."

Ford stared at you, "You did sleep at night right?"

"I did, but those were like naps. I'm still aware of my surroundings. If I want I could take a long long slumber, at most was seven weeks?" You explained.

"Fascinating." Ford only said.

~Time skip~

"How could you tell Sixer that?!" Bill shouted in your face. He was all red and stuff, fire in his hands.

You rolled your eyes and signed, "Look, I do whatever I want, whenever I want. Besides if Ford is fine with me being an assassin then."

"Then nothing! What if he calls the official about you?" Bill reasoned. "What would happen then huh?"

"They can never catch me." You said with your eyes closed and not a care in the world.

"How can you not care about this?" Bill shouted, he was back to his yellow self.

"Why do I need to care? It's not like he actually figured out who I am, I told the guy myself." You said back. "Besides, shows over. Secret's out. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Bill only muffled himself in his rage, then floated himself to the bookshelf. Picking out a random book and sat down reading it, mumbling stuff you don't care.

You rolled your eye and laid on the couch, looking at the angry demon reading the book in his hand with the corner of your eye. When you got into the treehouse Bill started to yell at you for what you did.

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now