Chapter 5 (41) - To Open Or Not To Open

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After arriving in that room, you let the Northwest go in first. Pacifica was just following her parents as she didn't know which room you were talking about.

You closed the door as you went in, your back was facing them, your head downwards and your hands still on the door.

"So, hiring a killer to kill another rich family is not enough for you Northwests?" you asked coldly, but they gave you no answer. "There's an angry ghost haunting your home and you still let your pride stand firm?"

By now you already turned your body to facing them, your (eye colour) eyes staring into their soul. You could see them moving a few steps away from you. The room made you look a lot scarier as it was dark and there were rain outside and the sound of thunder.

"Look, Zoldyck-" Peston said but stopped when he saw your eyes giving him a warning about the name used in public, this was something he agreed on when hiring or seeing one of them during a job or casually. "I mean (Y/N), this is our life, not yours. You can't tell us what to do. I never dreamed of seeing you again after hiring you, but here you are with those people."

"Those people? What's the difference? Rich and the poor?" you snapped.

"Yes, they don't have statute or wealth. They don't deserve what we do." Peston argued back. Priscilla was holding her husband's arm tightly when the two of you were arguing, and Pacifica was hiding hidden them.

"I see, let's see what that would bring you. Let's see if the ghost would kill you or not, if he doesn't," you walked to the door then opened it but before you left you turned your head a little, with them only seeing one of your eyes. "Then maybe I will... Enjoy your night..."

With that, you shut the door closed and walked back out of the mansion to find Dipper.

As you ran, you arrived just in time to see the ghost flying away and Dipper shouting at it.

You ran straight into his face, "What the hell happen? Why is the ghost out?!"

"He tricked me! He wanted to look at the woods before he actually dies, and then..." Dipper's eyes were darting all over the place, he was so afraid and nervous, he's basically a shipwreck.

"Let me guess, he set the mirror on fire from inside then the heat hurt your hands and you let go, finally the mirror broke and he's free." you said monochromely.

"That's what happened..." Dipper's shoulders dropped and he looked to the ground.

You held his chin up making him look at you, you smiled at him warmly.

"Look, it wasn't your fault to begin with. It's all the Northwest's fault, they brought you into this, now let's get you out." you grinned.

"Yeah," Dipper said with determination. "I think I know what we need to do."

"Find/Get Pacifica Northwest." Dipper and you said the same time and ran off.

"Northwests, if you get over this haunting without doing anything and hurting my friends, you'll be wishing you were never born..." you thought darkly as you ran slowly behind Dipper, trying to find Pacifica.

"She may be in that secret room we found." you told Dipper.

"Right! Let's go!" Dipper said and boosted his speed in running.

"Oh Dipper, you should really get more exercise..." you grinned, you didn't exactly run faster though you still manage to stay close to him.

The two of you arrived at the front door of the mansion, watching in horror as people ran around in a panic while the angry ghost floated at the centre of the panic.

"Help me!" a man said at your feet as he turned into wood.

"That is seriously messed up!" Dipper shouted, pointing at it.

"There's only one way to change your fates, a Northwest must open the gates!" the ghost demanded.

"A Northwest?" Dipper questioned.

"We have to get Pacifica!" you told Dipper.

You found the painting leading to the secret room, you let Dipper ran in first before you as you kept guard of the ghost. Your staff was silver so you took it out just in case.

Dipper and you found Pacifica sitting against a wall turning on and off a flashlight in her hand, her eyes were closed.

"Pacifica! There you are!" Dipper shouted as soon as he spotted Pacifica. "The ghost is turning everyone into wood and he just started rhyming for some reason... We need your help! Pacifica?"

You remained silent as to see what she does next. You leaned against the staff, watching the scene unfold.

"You want to know why this room was locked up?" Pacifica asked the two of you but didn't wait for an answer. She shined the light to one of the painting. "This is what I found in here, a painted record of every horrible thing that my family's ever done. Lying, cheating and then there's me."

Pacifica shined the light on herself then turned it off, closing her eyes looking at the floor. "I lied to you and (Y/N) just because I'm too scared to talk back to me stupid parents." Pacifica threw her earrings at a painting of her parents. "You were right about me, I am just another link in the world's worst chain."

"Pacifica, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, but just because you're your parent's daughter doesn't mean you have to be like them." Dipper signed. Pacifica gained a little hope when she looked at Dipper in the eyes.

"You know Pacifica, it's not too late for you to change." you said with a small smile.

"It's too late!" shouted the voice of the angry lumber ghost.

"Oh no!" Dipper shout as he handed for the hall.

"You are all wood!" the ghost shouted.

"Ahhh!" Pacifica and Dipper screamed at the sight of the hall full of wooden human statue.

The whole room was like a jungle, people were all frozen into wood. You spotted no Northwest turned into wood.

"Alright, that's it!" Dipper shouted as he ran forward to the ghost, stand on top of a table.

As Dipper prepared to trap the ghost in a silver tray, the ghost turned around shooting his journal and the tray away. Then he shot a wave of his ghostly powers at Dipper. Dipper started to turn into a wooden statue.

"Oh no! Someone help! Someone help!!!!!!!!" Dipper screamed and shouted as he turned into a wooden statue.

You can't help but notice Dipper was making the exact movements as the shapeshifter did when it was turned into ice.

"Dipper!" Pacifica screamed.

You glared at the ghost for turning your friends all into wood when they did nothing to earn it. The clock strikes midnight, the thunder roared, the people all frozen.

"A Forest of death, a lesson learned, and now the Northwest manor will burn!" the ghost laughed as he set a painting of Pacifica and her parent in flames.

Your grip on your staff tightened as you prepared to strike, but stopped when you heard Pacifica.

"Hey ugly! Over here!" Pacifica shouted.

Both you and the ghost turned your heads to look at her.

"You want to let in the townsfolk? Cause I'll do it! Just change everyone back!" Pacifica shouted with confidence.

You stared with wide eyes, you set your staff beside you.

"You wish to prove yourself? Hold that lever and open the grand gate to the town!" the ghost pointed at the lever labelled 'MAIN GATE'. "Fulfil your ancestors' promise."

Author's Notes: Well, let's have an early update shall we. I had a day of holiday so, why not. as always, enjoy.

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