Chapter 18 (54) - A Warning

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Song Information:

Song: Angel of Darkness

Artist(s): Alex C feat Yasmin K


You woke up to Ford mumbling in his sleep. You sat up and stared at Ford's sleeping figure, he was tossing and turning mumbling words.

"Ford?" you asked softly, wanting to know if he would awake from his nightmare or something.

"What do you want from me?" Ford shouted.

At this point you were quite creeped out, Ford shouting in his sleep and not knowing that is beyond you.

"Nothing?" you replied to his question sheepishly.

There was a short silence before Ford shouted again, "Get out of here! You have no dominion in our world!"

"Okay... So he wants me to get out? And that I have no dominion in this world? What kind of dream is he even having?" you thought, staring freakishly at what Ford has said.

It was a while of silence before Ford opened his eyes and sat up, adjusting his glasses which he left on for some odd reason.

"I have to warn them." Ford said to himself, looking at his hand. "He's coming."

You raised an eyebrow, "Warn who? Who's coming?"

"Ahh!" Ford turned around and stood up, pointing his gun at you. "(Y/N)! Child! Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, wasn't planning on that really." you apologized. "I woke up to you sleep talking."

"My apologies. I didn't know I was doing that." Ford said and put away his gun. "What did I say?"

"I wouldn't say that you say things rather shout actually," you said. "You shouted something like, 'What do you want from me?' and 'Get out of here! You have no dominion in our world!' and that's it."

"Those were the exact same lines I said in my dream." Ford exclaimed. "Bill was in my dream and he-. Oh wait, you don't even know who he is"

"Believe me I know, he's a dream demon who makes deals but doesn't follow it through." you said boredly.

"You know who Bill is!" Ford asked loudly. "How?"

"A boy named Gideon Gleeful summoned him with your journal #2." you answered. You couldn't tell him that you were hanging out with Bill.

"My second journal! There's a spell inside to summon him!" Ford hit his left palm with his right fist.

"So Bill is coming, who are you going to warn?"

"My family." Ford answered, then looked at you seriously. "I'm also planning on telling the kids about you. Are you fine with that?"

"Ya, they would know sooner or later. So no point in hiding." you said as you crossed your legs on the couch.

"I don't know how they would react to this but just know that I would not report you or kick you out." Ford said with a smile on his face.

"Thanks Ford," you flashed him a smile too. "You have no idea how much that means to me."

"You know, for a 12 year old, you are quite mature." Ford said. "Very mature, you think like a teenager or an adult."

"I'll take that as a compliment." you smirked.

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