Chapter 23 (59) - Demon's Protection

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"Who might you three be?" the figure asked, he has very long, jet black hair. What sets him off was the pair of large, black, pupil-less eyes, staring at them emotionlessly in the night. "What are the three of you doing in the forest this late at night?"

Ford moved Dipper and Mabel behind him, thinking to himself, "This guy is dangerous, I must keep the twins away from him at all cost."

"Hi! I'm Mabel and this here is my twin brother Dipper, then there's Grunkle Ford." Mabel introduced herself and the other two males, Ford mentally sighed.

"Oh." the man tilted his head to the side and said. "Is that so... You're the Pines family then."

Ford eyed the man carefully and asked, "We are, and what does that have to do with you?"

The man looked down and muttered under his breath but loud enough for the three to hear, "It has everything to do with me... you all are... a great hindrance to (Y/N)'s life."

After that was said, sharp needles came straight at the three of them. They only widened their eyes at the attack and wait for the needles to hit them, the attack was too sudden and fast for Ford to do anything.

But as the needles got closer, another figure came and appeared in front of them, defecting all the needles. They all gasped while the man only stared at the newcomer. The newcomer opened (her/his) eyes as you glared at the man in front of you.

"Thought you would appear soon enough... (Y/N)..." the man said monotonically.

You stood there with your staff in hand, your hood over your head and your cloak covering your body. A mask over your mouth, only revealing your (eye colour) eyes. You gave the man a death glare, knowing that it would have no effect on him.

[Image above]

"And I thought you would be the one behind all that chaos... Illumi..." you hissed back with venom.

~A few days ago (Chapter 56)~

After a while of eating, both of you finished, Bill used his powers to wash the dishes while the two of you get to lay back and enjoy each other's company. Then Bill sat up and stared at you dead in the eye.

"What?" You asked in confusion. "Something you forgot."

"No, I-I think it's best if I showed you." Bill said and snapped his fingers, a screen showed up beside the two of you and then something showed up.

You widen your eyes in terror, "What..."

***Warning: Blood and Gore incoming, it's describing the dead body shown on the news. So if you don't feel comfortable reading this, don't. I'll let you know when it's done. You are warned.***

The screen showed a dead body of a man in an alleyway with his body facing upwards, his eyes were wide opened, his lips parted, his face was pale. The disturbing part was his heart was in his right hand, a knife on his left, needles were pinning him to the ground and one on his forehead. His guts were all spilled out of his stomach.

***Warning: The blood and gory stuff are gone.***

Your hands balled into fists, you knew exactly who did it and the reason why. He wanted to bring you back, your guess was he already brought your twin back to the mansion already and now it's your turn. "That messed up brother of mine!" you hissed.

Bill immediately acted and snapped his fingers, making the screen disappear. He turned his head to you, watching as you furrowed your eyebrows closer and closer to each other, your teeth grinding each other, your eyes were wide open, your bloodlust was off the roof.

"Hey, Ice Queen. Cool down." Bill sweatdropped.

You glared at the demon who was still in the mood for puns and jokes. "I am extremely calm."

"Your bloodlust says otherwise." Bill pointed out deadpanned.

Your eye twitched then you took deep breaths and controlled your bloodlust again. "There... and thank you..."

Bill shrugged, "Anytime Ice Queen."

You sat down on your couch and Bill across you on his white beach chair of sorts, you were in your thinking pose while Bill was just laying there like he always does.

"So what's your next move now?" Bill asked, though his composure was casual and relaxed, his tone was deadly serious. "I'm sure Sixer knows about this news."

You stood up and started pacing in the room, "I'm certain that I know who did it, my older brother Illumi. He's the only one who uses needles in the family and specializes it as well, he can do almost anything with them."

"What about you?" Bill asked, he looked up at you, curiously.

You stopped and answered, "Nothing much, I can basically turn anything into my weapon. Though I prefer making my own and using them, I specialize in venom and toxins. Any type of skills I could learn them in a flash, they say I'm the best in the family."

"Interesting trait to have for an assassin. Your quite the human, and not one to be messed." Bill chuckled.

"Glad you finally know." you smirked, then continued your pacing. "Now, what to do with Illumi..."

"You could always talk to him." Bill suggested.

You froze then turned to Bill slowly.

"What?" Bill asked.

"Pff. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" you broke into a nonstop fit of laughter.

Bill got up and stared at you in disbelief, he didn't get what was so funny. Was it something he said? Definitely.

"Could you explain what's so funny? Snowflake." Bill asked, watching as you rolled on the ground, laughing your head off.

Normally he would let you and watch you enjoy yourself, but this time he was facing your serious matter seriously then you laughed at his suggestion with no good reason. Why is that?

You got up and wiped tears at the corner of your eyes, "Sorry, Bill. It's just... if you know my brother then you wouldn't even suggest such a way of resolving the matter. Talk would literally be the last thing to try."

"Then what should you do?"

You turned down your laughter and looked at the ground, a forced smile on your face. Bill stared with concern of your sudden silence, his smirk was gone as well.

"Well, the only thing to do is..." you started, then said. "Catch him and make him leave me alone, either by his own or I'll do it."

Bill grinned, "That's my Ice Queen. But what about the Pines? I'm sure they would want to find you again."

You looked at Bill then out the window, letting out a sad sigh and spoke softly but loud enough for Bill to hear, "I... may avoid them for the time being... I'll deal with Illumi first... I don't want to see them just yet, especially Dipper."

Bill walked to you, then hugged you from behind, his hands snaked around your waist, his head on your right shoulder. You could feel his breath in your right ear as he cooed, "Then I'll make sure they don't come near and find this treehouse or you... My Ice Queen."

You only hummed as your response, you didn't even care when Bill invaded your private space. You just let him do as he pleased, for now. While you were busy thinking of ways to deal with your problems, Bill was smirking to himself at the development of the current situation.

This was turning out to be great, you were relying on him to help you. What's great about it was that you yourself didn't want anything to do with the Pines family, you let him keep them away from you.

"I'll definitely protect you from them, from those meat stacks. My dear (Y/N)~"

Author's Notes: Ahh~ I'm back home now... I woke up early just to do this, welp I finished this and now I'll head back to sleep. Hope you guys like this, I have been getting a lot of encouragement and praises from you guys and I am absolutely thrilled to read them.




Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now