Chapter 38 (74) - Farewell [FINAL]

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Full Chapter's Title: Farewell Is Just the Start Of A New Chapter In Life


Song Name: In Our Bedroom After The War

Artist(s): Stars


"Greetings to you too." you smiled.

Bill smirked, then handed you your necklace and placed it over your head and around your necklace, "I believe this belongs to you."

You chuckled and noticed the gems had returned back to their original colours, you said to Bill, "Come on, you need to get Stanley's memory back.

"Aww, do I have to... I think he's better without." Bill wined.

"Nope, no can do, come on, you big baby." you started running towards the shack.

"Hey! No fair!" Bill laugh behind you.

The two of you made it to the shack just in time to see them seated around Stan on his armchair, you sat on a branch that allows you full view of the event happening in there.

"We saved the world, but what's the point? Grunkle Stan's not himself anymore." Dipper sighed.

You watched and waited for the right moment. When you saw Waddles jumping on Stan, you immediately signaled Bill, "Bill, now!" he nodded and snapped his fingers. His memories won't all come back at once, slowly but in time everything.

"Gah! Quit it, Waddles! I'm trying to remember my life story!" Stan yelled at the pig.

The twins gasped and Ford looked surprised, you smiled, you knew they would notice that. How could Stan even know Waddles' name when everything about himself and his life is supposed to be forgotten?

Bill smirked proudly, you rolled your eyes. You happily watched as the twins retell their adventures to Stan, you smiled at the sight. You stood up on the branch and nodded at the shack, then turned around and jumped to another branch until you reached the treehouse.

You unlocked the door and went in, Bill closing the door after he entered the treehouse. "For a second there I thought you would go in."

"Nah," you said as you walked up to the bedroom, laying down like a starfish. "It's their family time, I wouldn't want to ruin it."

"Sixer, Shooting Star and Pine Tree were wondering where you were though," Bill added. "Shooting Star the most."

You hummed, closing your eyes. "I'll see them later... I need some rest... Dealing with you was a pain."

"Might I add your acting skills are marvelous." you could picture Bill's smirk. "Who would have thought."

"I would, it's one of the skills I was taught to assassinate others," you said, turning to the side. "Now let me sleep."

"Your wish is my command."


Over the days, the townspeople have been rebuilding the town back to its original state. The Pines have been rebuilding the shack as well, you showed up to lend a hand, they were more than happy to accept it.

At night, you would slip into the shack to find Ford. Planning a surprise party for Dipper and Mabel for their 13th birthday, Ford regretted his actions to offering an apprenticeship for Dipper, but he would still teach Dipper what he knows. 

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