Chapter 7 (43) - Who Are You, Stan?

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You woke up, remembering the events of last night. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing those agents soon..."

You got off the couch and headed for the washroom to do your daily wash up, doing your hair, washing your face, brushing your teeth and changing into a new set of clothes.

You came out with your old clothes in hand and went to your bags, you kneeled down and opened the bag, inside was a large number of weapons you brought along.

You took out the dagger you always put in your jacket, then exchanging them for new ones. You had a feeling that your weapons would be needed more than causal.

Looking at your watch, you know that it was 6 in the morning. You remembered that Mabel wanted you to wake up at 7 to show you something, you walked out of the shack and towards the treehouse.

"Wonder what Mabel wants to show me that early in the morning, usually they would still be sleeping."


Arriving at the door, you did the same old procedure every time before you entered the treehouse. Walking in and closing the door, you already noticed the grayscale you're in.

"Morning Bill."

"And a good morning to you too, Ice Queen." Bill greeted you causally.

You turned around to see Bill sitting on the white lounger reading a book with his legs crossed, human form with a tail coat and all.

"How was the party?" Bill asked as he turned a page.

You sat on the couch, leaning backwards you replied, "Interesting and entertaining I guess."

"Oh... entertaining you say." Bill looked up from his book. "How so? With the ghost?"

"You could say that... and the Northwests..." you said, your half opened eyes widen then your memory replayed to the time Dipper was frozen. "Wait, when Dipper was turned to wood, he has the exact same action as the shapeshifter."

"Oh, is that so... Well that shapeshifter is an alien... so..." Bill said as he trailed off.

You were deep in thought, you wondered if the shapeshifter has the power or vision to see into the future.

"(Y/N)," Bill said with a stern voice. You looked at Bill, he was serious when you calls you by name. "Don't go back to the shack...just for today..."


"Because I said so..."

"I know but why, why can't I go back." you asked again, you were not backing down. "Is something going to happen?"

Bill remained silent, he didn't say a word, he only looked in another direction.

You tilted your head down, "Something is going to happen," you back up at Bill again, "Isn't it?"

"...Yes..." Bill finally said. "The two agents you saw last night, they're bringing the whole troop. To arrest Stanley."

"Arrest Stanley? Wait! Stanley?!?" you shouted out and stood up from your seat.

"Shoot! I said too much." Bill cursed at himself. "Well, see you real soon!"

With that Bill vanished, making the colours return. You were left in the treehouse alone, "Then who is Stan if his name is Stanley and not Stanford..."

You stood in that spot, staring at the spot where Bill was before. Realization came, "Who is Dipper and Mabel with now?!"

You immediately ran out of the treehouse, not caring about locking the door. You headed straight for the shack, to see if the twins were in danger or not.

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