Chapter 25 (61) - A Long Forgotten Lesson

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-Back to the Present-

Illumi and you were having a staring contest, none of you was taking the initiative to speak.

Illumi finally sighed and suggested, "Let make this quick and simple, go back home and do your job."

"I got another suggestion, you leave and everyone is happy." you suggested back.

Illumi stared at you with his wide and lifeless eyes, while you glared at him.

"Would it be easier for you to leave if I kill those three behind you?" Illumi pointed behind you, which was Dipper, Mabel and Ford, with his head tilted in their direction.

"Don't you even think about it." you warned him, your hand reached for your staff.

Illumi sighed, shaking his head from side to side with his hands opened, "What's gotten into you and Kil? Both of you gotten friends and doesn't want to let them go. Come back."

"Like I ever will." you rolled your eyes, you took out your staff and extended it. "Maybe when you get a girlfriend."

Illumi gave you a 'where did that come from' look and held out three needles in his fist, "If you won't come back willingly, I'll just have to make you."

"It would be as easy as what you did to Killua, I don't have a needle in my brain." you smirked, pressing a button hidden on your staff, changing it into a scythe. You threw your clock away, revealing your new assassin clothing, one you made during Bill's whining in the treehouse.

[Image above]

"Cool!" you heard Mabel cooed behind you, making you smirk proudly at your work of art.

You saw Illumi's eyebrow twitched, then he complained monotonically, "Why do you always like to change clothing...?"

"Because I like it." you only replied.

Winds blew between the two of you, a ball of dust rolled.

Illumi bend down a little and you followed, then the two of you 'disappeared' in front of Ford, Dipper and Mabel's eyes.

"Where are they?!" Dipper asked in shock, his head turning at all direction.

"Where's (Y/N)!" Mabel searched for you.

Ford signalled for them to keep quiet, and whispered, "They are here, but just moving too fast for your eyes to keep up."

He was right, the two of you were running around the area, jumping from branch to branch. Illumi throwing needles at you while you either dodged or deflected them, the two of you kept doing them until he decides the only way to 'hurt' you were to hurt something you care for. The Pines.

He threw three separate needles, all aiming at their heads. The tricky part was they were all in different directions, you have to choose one to help. That or you block them off in midway.

You took out two daggers, and threw them at the needles, pinning the two needles that aimed at Mabel and Ford to a tree truck. You immediately moved in front of Dipper, with your scythe in hand, you caught the needle between your fingers as it was millimetres away from Dipper's forehead.

Dipper collapsed to the ground with widening eyes and an opened mouth, "Th-Thank you..."

Mabel came to his side, as you stepped forward. You narrowed your eyes as they scanned through the dark forest, you lost sight of Illumi, not good. He could always appear out of nowhere, his needles were another problem, in the dark sure you would be able to see them.

But they couldn't, even if a needle was coming straight for them, it would be too late for them too even realize it.

"Them being here is a major problem. I can't tell them to leave the forest and go for the shack, Illumi may have been waiting for them to leave me and go for them as I search for him. Arg! This is such a pain!" you thought as your eyes continued to look for Illumi.

"It was clever of him to throw those needles at them, it was the only way I would give him the time needed to hide, and for me to lose focus of him." you analyzed. "But now I'm in trouble, it's only my life is on the line, their lives are on the line as well..."

"I must act accordingly and carefully."

"Remember, (Y/N). When backed into a corner, clear your mind. Don't think too much. When you are in a panic, it gives the opposing side the advantage and they want that. Calm yourself and think only of your target, think of how you want him at hell's doors."

You remembered your father's teachings, you were young then but your trainings weren't easier. You remembered facing a similar situation once, one where you were facing a target of great skills. You were cornered, you were panicking, then you couldn't act.

But your father, Silva Zoldyck, came in and killed your target for you. It was then he taught you that for assassins, one must always keep their minds clear and active, never gave the target the advantage over you, and never panic.

You closed your eyes, and quietened your mind, keeping a calm composure. "Right now, I need to deal with Illumi, at the same time I need to make sure they don't get in harm's way. So my target now, in to lead him away from them." you opened your eyes and smirked.

You took out five daggers and placed them at the corners of a star on the ground, you pressed a tiny button and the handle started to glow. You turned to Ford, "Ford, I want you to make 100% sure that they stay inside these five daggers. At all times. No matter what."

Ford looked at the five daggers planted into the ground, "You have my word."

You watched as they all sat there within the five daggers, then you touched another button and said, "Don't go near them or touch them, there are now electric waves passing through them, one touch and you're dead."

Then you jumped up to one of the trees, not wasting your time to hear their answers. You have to find him as soon as possible, who knows what had he been doing while you have your little breakdown.

"Ice Queen." you heard Bill called out in your mind.

You didn't stop but replied, "Bill! What now? I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment if you haven't been watching."

"No, I have." Bill answered plainly, as a matter of fact.

"Then where do you want!" you screamed as you searched for your brother.

"I can tell you where your big brother is, or deal with your little problem if you take my deal and join my side." you could picture Bill smirking.


"That felt good." you said to yourself after Bill got silent.

Author's Notes: Ok ok. For those who doesn't or haven't watched Hunter X Hunter, you would not be able to understand the 'new' character called Illumi.

 For those who doesn't or haven't watched Hunter X Hunter, you would not be able to understand the 'new' character called Illumi

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This person is Illumi Zoldyck, the eldest in the family. He had an emotionless face, always. Mainly uses his needles to attack or kill. He is extremely skilled in the art of assassination and other areas.

So with the information above, how do you think (Y/N) will manage to get her big brother Illumi out of town?




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