Chapter 28 (64) - Another Storm

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All three of them flinched and looked up, alarmed at the sudden answer to their question. Mabel was the only one smiling brightly at you, she stepped forward and welcomed you, "(Y/N)! You're safe! I'm so glad! I was worried that you were-"

Ford cut her off as he took note of your attitude to them being in your house without your permission, he pushed Mabel back beside Dipper and carefully took a step forward, "(Y/N), I did as you said. We didn't leave the circle, at all. For some reason, we fell asleep and when we woke up we were in the living room."

At the moment, you were standing behind the railing with your staff in hand beside you, your narrow eyes looking down upon them, a smile didn't appear on your face, in addition to that was your tone when you answered their question, that coldness, that distantness was something that scared him.

You started your questioning, "I asked who the hell gave you permission to enter my chambers, not what you did after I left you in that forest."

They flinched again, Ford answered, "We found a note, it said to come here and there was a key along with that note."

"Do you still have it?" You questioned. Ford nodded and searched through his pockets, then took out a piece of folded paper and a key, your key copy. You jumped down from the railing and landed in front of them, you switched the staff to the other hand and reached out your right hand to Ford, signalling him to give you the key and note.

Ford did as told and handed you the note, you turned sideways and started reading the note. "Dear Pines, when you wake up from your sleep. Go into the forest and find a treehouse, that's where you'll find (Y/N). To enter the treehouse, please use the key you found on the note. Note that the key can only be used once. See you later. Ice."

"This is definitely Bill's words... Did he have to add 'Ice' at the end!? When they are gone I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!" you screamed, you took out a dagger and pressed a button, the blade was set ablaze, you placed the paper in the fireplace and set it on fire with the dagger.

You pressed the button again and the fire went away, you placed it in the sink and turned on the tap, using running water to cool the blade down. "So? What did you want to talk about then?" you turned off the tap and started wiping the blade with a towel.

Dipper stepped forward, "(Y/N), I just wanted to say. I'm sorry."

Your eyes widened and returned to normal, you put away the towel and put back the dagger. You turned around to show that you are giving him full attention now.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you just because you told us about your job as an assassin. It's just, it's just that I couldn't or didn't want to believe you were an assassin. I never met one, but they gave me the impression of being cold and heartless, killing other people." Dipper explained himself.

Your eyebrow raised, "This just got interesting."

"I was so alarmed that an assassin, the best of the best assassin has been by my side all this time and I didn't even notice it. I was, scared that you'll... kill." Dipper concludes, his head was down, he played with his fingers.

You sighed, "It's really not your fault. Assassins like my family or others can get close to others and befriend them, acting like you're their friend then betray and kill them in the end. I know some who would do that, building ones' hope to the peak then crashing them and bringing them into hell." you stated coldly and darkly.

"But you're not one of them, right (Y/N)?" Mabel asked with hope. "You didn't come here to kill anyone right?"

You looked at Mabel, a small smile on your face. "You can always trust Mabel to bring the mood up and think the best of everyone. But yes, I didn't come here to kill anyone, I only came here because I was sick and bored of killing people. Coming to this town was just a coincidence."

"And meeting us?" Dipper asked, looked up at you.

"Also a coincidence." you answered, "I never dreamed of being on all those adventures and having fun with you all, I dare say, that was the most fun times I ever had, and I felt, humane."

"Sorry for not trusting you." Dipper apologized again.

You shrunk your staff and smiled, "Hey no need to say sorry. If anyone should be saying sorry, it should be me, I was the one who didn't tell you the first time we met." then you pretended, "Greetings, my name is (Y/N) Zoldyck, yes one of those famous assassins, don't worry I'm not here to kill you all, just to have fun and be a normal person."

All of them burst into laughter, hugging their stomachs at your introduction. You smiled at the scene, to you it was so heartwarming, being with them again, smiling and laughing.

"So does this mean, we're friends again?" Dipper asked nervously.

"Always." you gave them a closed eye smile.


"Ford, I don't think this is a good idea." you said as Ford started to back you into a corner.

"(Y/N), this is the best idea! We need him to get over here." Ford smiled.

You sigh and took out your dagger, "If you say so." you pressed the button and it was set ablaze.

"Dipper, my face is on fire!" Ford shouted.

You rolled your eyes and took back your dagger, then went to cool the blade down. But handed Ford a towel to wipe his face first.

"Great Uncle Ford, are you okay?" you heard Dipper's quick footsteps coming in the room.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly." Ford said as he finished wiping his face.

"But your face is on fire." Dipper said nervously while you said deadpanned.

"Yes, it's much faster than shaving. Now, listen, Dipper. I have a very important mission, and you are the only one who can help me." Ford defended.

You rolled your eyes and wiped the dagger then put it away.

"Remember the rift in dimensional space-time I showed you? It's cracking." Ford pulled out the rift and pointed at the crack. "This is what Bill has been waiting for. If it breaks, it will cause reality as we know it to completely unravel. A hypothetical and catastrophic event I call Weirdmageddon."

Your ear perked up at this, "Bill's doing what..."

You turned your head to the blackboard, one where Ford has a bunch of papers on the board with red strings pointing to the middle, Weirdmageddon.

Author's Notes: Now that all that secret identity crisis is over, you all know what is coming up next right? Ohhh! I'm so excited to write the following chapters! Just thinking about it is so... exhilarating! I do have a lot of ideas I want to try out but I'll save those until after the actual idea, the best of the best. I do hope you all would find it to your standards. If not, sad to say this isn't a good enough book for you then.



Enjoy the upcoming chapter(s)~

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